As it's December, let's not be offended when someone wishes us Merry Christmas. To go one step farther, return the sentiment with a likewise response. For they are wishing you to have festive 25th at the most har less
The usual war crap. The problem is that it is usually the other person that gets offended when we don't say the greeting in return.
It doesn't bother me in in the least.
I almost can see saying Merry Christmas to them, since it is their holiday...sort of like Happy birthday if it their birthday...but for someone to wish me Happy Birthday when it isn't my birthday is a bit tiresome...I think that is why I don't leave my house much during December except to go to work...
I don't get offended, but I have no interest returning a sentiment that I do not believe in or take part in.
I think saying nothing is fine...a gratuitous smile is about all I can muster.
How about we just let everyone feel however they're going to feel about anything?
@Donotbelieve I live for this shit. yawn
@Donotbelieve When you see that kind of stuff, feel free to tag me. I don't always see everything. Sometimes, when I do see some of those kind of posts, I ignore them. It's better for my blood pressure.
@Donotbelieve I was being facetious.
@Donotbelieve i do!
@Donotbelieve don't see how is condescending
This post is along the lines of touchy-feely way of life stuff.
@Donotbelieve What does it mean to "Tag" someone? I'm relatively new to this site.
Big Al
I only take exception (I rarely take offense at anything) when they come out with "jebus" is the reason for the season.
Hey JLynn37... What do you say when you get the, "Jesus is the reason for the season" remark? Do you have a good comeback ready? Note: I consider myself a "Gentle Atheist". I can support my lack of belief, but I don't get in people's faces like I did in college! (I'm 64 now and retired!)
Big Al
@Alw314 I reply with; It is YOUR reason for the season and I am fine with that, but it is not MY, and countless other's, reason for the season and you should be fine with that. I am not infringing on what YOU celebrate or denying you anything and you should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".