I had a hell of a scare tonight. richard and i were eating dinner after lighting the menorah and suddenly i smelled something burning. i looked to my left and my cat, penny, was on fire! she had walked across the table to eat her own food and brushed against the menorah on the way. i don't know how i put the fire out. i remember reaching my hand out to put it out but i didn't get burned -- but i remember it going out when i did that. she wasn't even aware she was on fire. her fur protected her; her skin wasn't even singed. i brushed the burnt fur off her; the table is full of black ash. i cried and cried and richard kept telling me "she's okay; why are you crying?" but i couldn't stop.
Scary moment! So glad you, the cat, your house are intact!
My dogs are like my children. Seeing one in danger would be torturous for me. Men don't like to see women cry. We feel like we ha e to fix sometíng to make you stop crying. Ignorantly, we sometimes think that if get you to "see it logically" you will realize that crying doesn't make sense and you'll stop. LOL When I was younger I know I did this.
i hate when my guy asks me why i am crying. i want him to hold me and murmur comforting sounds at me!
I'm glad the cat is ok and didn't suffer. I suppose burnt fur didn't smell too good.
thanks! ugh it's an awful smell.
Whoa scary! I’m glad kitty is ok!
thanks, me too!