2 9

Please try to spare a thought for the victims of this terrible conflict.

Triphid 9 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I had one neighbor that tried to do that shit one year and I actually asked him just to turn it off when we’d try to go to sleep.

Well he laughed and said something my Christmas spirit and I simply grinned at went to my local law enforcement supply store where I purchased 5 one million candle powered spot lights took them home mounted them on the front of my house and just before I went to sleep I turned them all on.

And needless to say that within five minutes there was a knock on my door and of course it was mr Christmas spirit wanting to know why I did that!?
And I just simply smiled and said that I wanted make sure that even god could see his decorations.

Yep 10:00pm after that ⬛️ Compete darkness ?


Well done!

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