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Why Drump needs to be stopped.

Charlene 9 Dec 9

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A few goals after we get rid of dumpsterfired; reverse citizens united, the electoral college, the last scotus pick. Revisit gerimandering, voter suppression, and the checks and balances of government, and legal pathways to citizenship. Get a legal opinion whether the sitting potus can be indited while in office...(i say yes. It was said the potus's time is too important to be indited. Ya mean he couldn't golf as much?)


That is only 1 reason out of 1256 reasons he should not be president!


If nothing else, this "President" has shown us the imbalance in what we thought were the three branches of gov. Who would think we would have kids seperated from parents in cages?


Well technically he’s right but if we were to go back through our country’s history the number of presidents that technically never committed a felony of any type we would be able to fit them
Into a minivan.

But once he’s indicted then yes but if we really want to be completely within the confines of our laws then we should acknowledge that he must undergo the articles of impeachment first because a sitting president cannot be tried and convicted.

This is done in order to protect “ A “ president from being removed by means of political conspiracy and the use of the criminal justice system to be used to anole an election.

What that means is that if those who were against President Obama wanted to they could’ve conspired with individuals to create a story of a crime have him tried and convicted in order to remove him from office.

And if mueller has the right stuff against trump then I’m more than positive that the proceedings for his impeachment will happen immediately or as I’ve repeatedly said he’ll get out try to use his money to save his own ass.


No he shouldn't..

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