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I have nothing to add.

NatureGeek 6 Dec 10

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Maybe civilization isn't even 3 weeks old as my dad used to say. We think we're so advanced, so intelligent, so progressive - look at the photo's again. I'm ashamed! Let's all, at the least, go to our pantry's & fill a bag for the food bank today.


Oh well if that doesn't establish the argument there is NO god then nothing will. Never has been, there is none now, never will be one. Now, getting back to the original question, you do have something to add if you really want. Send your money to a charity of your choice. Of course you will have to wonder why there are kids like that everywhere even after those charities exist all over as well. Or you can get on a plane, go there an volunteer yourself and yet, you will have to make peace and accept the fact that you cannot save them all but to take care of the ones close to you


As with all gods they take all the credit and none of the responsibility


No need. ?


Created by man’s ignorance, supplied by man’s ignorance and ignored by man’s ignorance.


Absolutely heartbreaking! it's so amazing to see how self-centered we still are as a species. That photo reminds me of that idiot reporter who asked a tornado survivor whether she was thankful for the "Lord" that she and her child weren't among the victims.


Your photos tell it all. If there really was a God who loves us he wouldn't allow all the suffering we see in the world.

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