Just incredibly timely! I am on my way to change my status to "looking for someone" right now! LOL!
Trying to help everybody out... Enjoy whatever you do DownUnder.
Kinda ironic that these "badly raised men" are the product of a family court system that awards custody 80+% of the time to the women, who also initiate 60+% of the divorce proceedings.
Because often enough... men don't want the responsibility and are not equip of the skills to be single parents... I divorced while on tour on Germany... I sure didn't wanted full custody of my 3 kids. I couldn't be a Mother to them... come on... be for real! It is Not Ironic... It is Reality. I married a woman capable to Finish the Job alone we both started together... For that I will always be Grateful to her and to me for selecting the Right Woman as Wife and Mother to My Children.
@GipsyOfNewSpain Wow...how sexist of you. So men are badly raised, irresponsible, and ill-equipped to be good parents. It's your generation of men that cut off their dicks and handed it to women that's the reason men get shit on so much today. Maybe in your generation men were shit, but the sins of the fathers should not be heaped upon the sons or grandsons.
@jondspen What Ever.... No Complaining of my Luck with My Sexist Ways!!!! If the Statement Hurt You... Fix Your Shit... Man Up. Only the Guilty will Feel Offended. If It Don't Fit You... Don't Bitch.
@GipsyOfNewSpain And what do I have to fix? Oh...that's right, I'm a man...so obviously I have problems that I feel guilty about and need to fix. And yea...I am going to bitch when I see a group of people insulted and stereotyped for no other reason than the genitalia they were born with - be that a group of men or women. That's called sexism...and that's not cool.
@jondspen I am sorry you felt Offended. I know more Bad Men than Bad Women. Call me Sexist and a Man that Offended You passing a Statement about Life and Relationships... wishing you a nice weekend. Not Every Man is a Badly Raised Man and Not Every Woman is a Rehabilitation Center, I myself am very proud of Well Raised Son. Regardless Cool or Not Cool of me. Myself, I want a Partner. What do You Want for Witness to Your Life?
@GipsyOfNewSpain Not offended at all. I'm not a thin skinned bitch that get's my feelings hurt by ignorant memes. Just not down with sexist comments and white knight b/s that puts pussy on a pedestal and trash talks men b/c they were born men. I raised my daughers to expected to be treated equal and fairly...not pandered too b/c they are women. I taught them how to do dishes, laundry, mow, and weed eat...it was about getting chores done that needed to be done...not pandering to 1960 sexual house chore norms. But in the future, I sure as shit don't want my grandsons or great-grandsons to be treated inferior b/c they were born boys. Bashing men down doesn't raise women up - that's some elementary school yard bully psych 101 stuff there. Women are just as amazing and at times just as much total screw ups as men. No need to pretend men are worse, or that women are not.
@jondspen Great for You and I Salute You for It... but... I thought The Sentiment Expressed was Valid and I Passed it Forward. We don't need to argue. I commend you for your job as a Father. No Beef.
But for some there those who’ll step on the heads of good worthy men who have their shit together to be with a human train wreck and for some of them the most shallow reasons that one could ever imagine.
And what’s really worse is that there’s some of them that once they’ve been used and abused for nearly 25 years will then go and find the good guy to take her the rest of her problems in and for nothing more than sub satisfactory sex and waves of their past still washing up on your shore
Take the "No Project Stand"... I will be Nobody's Project and I will Not Take a Project either. What ever the Cost, I am Fit to Pay.
Pick a guy who you like just as he is.
That is the Big Difference between Males and Females... Man marry Hoping Girlfriend Don't Change when Becomes a Wife... Woman marries thinking she can change Boyfriend into Husband She Wants. Difference of the Sexes.
Oh, if it only was so easy.
I don't want to be Nobody's Project or take on one myself... But You Are Right... It Is Never That Easy.
@GipsyOfNewSpain Yeah, seems like kind of an insult to the guy too.
There are some of us out there, but most of us aren't as good-looking or wealthy as the men women usually pick to message and meet from dating sites. So, in a way, the women who pick the non-project men (who might "seem" perfect as they are, are self-sabotaging without knowing it. The other component is women falling for the lies of men who can spin a nice phony profile essay tricking them into picking a man who is something different and then thinking they can change him into a kind, caring human being. Is that the hard part you are referencing?
@TomMcGiverin It is not my Original Thoughts... but it echoed on my brain as a Truth going around the world... And I always thought... There is a Big Difference between Males and Females... Man marry Hoping Girlfriend Don't Change when Becomes a Wife... Woman marries thinking she can change Boyfriend into Husband She Wants. Difference of the Sexes. About me... I had never met a Bad Woman...I know they are out there and I know they will tear your heart apart if you let them, so don't let them... but I had been a Lucky Bastard making Right Choices... My Luck will End One Day and I am Ready because I had seen the Good Side... I didn't expected some of the responses from men but Everyone is Responsible for the Partner they Pick. I Hope. If anything... I had been very lucky, until now.
@TomMcGiverin No, it seems to me that so many women have this "vision" how men should be and behave, that is unfortunate. I think it comes from all those stories that we red when we were children, you know a prince will come and rescue us and we will live happily ever after. Well when reality hits us and our prince is a slob, drunkard or anything else we want to "improve/change" him for his own good, he, he. Stupid I know and don't for one moment think that all women are like that but a lot are.
@TomMcGiverin, @GipsyOfNewSpain Viv La Diferance, says me, no matter what.
@Jolanta Never Met a Bad Woman lucky me.