I have just read that an academic study shows older folks who have regular sex stay healthier than those who don't participate. I expect younger folk will be horrified that old folks would dream of engaging in such activity!
Pay those young fools no mind!! Busy this weekend?
Love that attitude!
Years ago I was told that if I had lots of sex while I was young I'd still be able to do it in old age. So while I'm still young I'm having lots of sex and living in expectation of a bright future!
I think a good name for a website would be HoaryHealthHookups.com; a site for all us old folks who want to live a long time.
So, you free this weekend?
@AnneWimsey Not only free, I'm up for any and all health benefits.
Great idea... where do I sign up? ?
No actually if you ask any nurse that’s worked at nursing home they’ll tell ya that the phrase old fuckers actually isn’t just a phrase.
Yes I remember when I told my then teenage kids that yes we the parents did have sex and often too. They were horrified and said it was too much information, and I said 'what are you going on about, I have not told you any details'. They left the room very quickly.
Having been one of those... Maybe is the Other Way Around... The Healthy Can Enjoy a Regular Sex Life!!!!! Sometimes "academics" make the Most Stupid Assumptions!!!!!!
Sex is exercise, and good for the heart.
Yes! The youngins don't like to think of us "old people" as being sexually active. They have a whole lot of growing up to do!
Youngins think they invented sex... tired of telling my kids... your mother is a Freak.
maybe it is the impact of porn photos and videos, they believe that sex is dedicated to a certain age and shape
why would younger folk be horrified? what business of theirs would it be how other people, regardless of age, have sex?
@maturin1919 actually when i was young i never gave it a thought at all until i found contraceptives in my folks' nightstand. the idea then didn't disgust me; i was highly amused.
I think that's the only thing keeping me alive!
normal and healthy life is based on sex and emotions .. body needs that, and soul needs it .