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Trying to select a good January adventure. I'm voting for Antarctica.

bigpawbullets 9 Dec 21

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I wanted to go to Antarctica in the late 70's early 80's. Tried to get stationed there in the military. People say why, and I say because at the time no one ever went but a very few. Now they have regular boat tours, and the tourists are messing the place up by polluting it. I vote don't go there.
There are some really beautiful places in Africa, away from the strife and the city poverty, and the overrun touristy areas.


I was in Alaska in May 2018. Fantastic trip.


that sounds like fun!


My brother-in-law enjoyed the trip as well as Greenland.


Hurry up before it all melts!


I am thinking going back to work in January...… but I don't want to think about it. I am on vacation starting NOW.... let the greatest activity of all begin: Do whatever the hell I want, at least for one week 🙂


I was thinking Australia myself..

Just returned from there. Tasmania was an exceptional place.

@bigpawbullets my boy is dying to go to Tasmania. He believes the Tasmanian Tiger is not really extinct, just good at hiding and he's going to be the one to find them

I'd encourage him to pursue his ambition. If not the tiger, he'll find something else.

@bigpawbullets that is absolutely the plan. I have a friend who lives in Japan, but is a native of Australia and vacations in Tasmania regularly. She's chomping at the bit to take him. Now I just need the vacation time.

@bigpawbullets snakes or spiders galore.

@Minta79 There is the Tasmanian Devil to see there.

@Jolanta yes. He's interested in that as well. But, he really wants to pull the Tasmanian tiger back from extinction. He is obsessed with marsupials.

@Jolanta we have an opposum living in the backyard that he "studies."


It's actually pretty hard to get there. Are you serious about it? A few years ago, I applied for a seasonal job there. Didn't get it. Somewhere there's a good documentary about living there. I'll see if I can find a link.

Thank you! Roads Scholar takes care if everything. Expedition ship from Argentina. All gear provided for excursions and camping out on the ice.


It's balmy at that time of the year. Be sure to take sun screen if you plan on spending much time at the beach.


I had hoped to go to Hawaii in January but that's not going to work out I don't think. I'll keep it in my dreams for now. I need to find a travel companion first I think. My last trip I went alone which was fine but I'd rather have a partner.


Brrr, way too cold. Take your long Johns with you.

But it's summer down there!!!!

@bigpawbullets Summer in Australia but you said you wanted to go to Antarctica.

Yes. It's "Summer" there too. You folks are all in the Southern hemisphere.

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