I have a relative whose chiropractic speciality is adjusting the plates in the skulls of newborn infants.
I see an ortho/PT for my bulging discs. I've been pain free since May 2008. The PTs taught me tricks to self align as at every visit my spine was out of alignment.
just curious, was there something wrong with the "plates" in the baby's head?
I'm sorry...adjusting the plates in the skulls of newborns? I cannot imagine any sane parent allowing such an insane thing.
@kgoodyear I know none of the specifics. Googling "cranial plate misalignment" pulls ip a lot, though...
And specifically regarding babies:
Chiropractic treatments have been extremely helpful for me over many years, some chiropractors have been ineffective but most have been highly effective for me. I could say the same for doctors as well, good ones and bad ones, lawyers too for that matter.
Depends on the condition and or injury. There not a cure all for viruses, which some pedal, etc. But muscle, tissue. Etc body pain injury, they can be effective. Most doctors, especially DO's, who do sports medicine use some forms of adapted chiropractic treatments.
If I ever attempted it again - it would be an Osteopath - not a chriopractor.
I felt like way more harm than good was done.
Most of the sound is from movement of synovial fluid. I'd rather move that through gentle manipulation - not the stuff I experienced. Which seems insane to me now.
I'm told Osteopaths are just different enough that I mght find it tempting.
I know they are effective having used them for 40 or so years. Caveats though, as people have pointed out, there are good ones and not so good as with any profession. Also, they can't fix some things, just as a nutritionist is no help for a broken bone. They fix mechanical issues with the body. Also, I have learned to avoid the ones with too many toys and therapies, keep it simple and it works best. If it doesn't work, and quickly, they you may be at the wrong office and need a different approach. Good luck.
I thought they were quacks but after many months of constant excruciating pain I went to one. I politely told him what I thought but that I was in need of relief. He explained what to expect and worked on me. I started feeling better in a few short weeks and am almost always pain free within a year. It's been about ten years now. Saved my life.
Some are great. Some are actually rather bad. I've been to several over the years. Some helped a lot.
Chiropractors are effective at scheduling weekly appointments for the rest of your life, and emptying your wallet.
I have had great success with chiropractic, it is not for everyone. I had an orthopedic doc tell me there was no hope for my neck problems and I would need surgery but 3 months of chiropractic work and range of motion was restored and the pain was gone.
Went to one and I was in worse shape and wound up going to an orthopedic specialist to undo the damage. ?
Same here.
@Soarfeet Yeah now that you mention it I do remember going to see one because I was injured while breaking up a fight between two inmates.
And when I went in all stiff and in pain he did seem to be a little confused especially when I told him that I couldn’t physically bend over more than a foot.
But he still took back into a room and did some cranking and popping in my back and after the second time I couldn’t stand up straight or turn my torso to the left and that’s when recommended that I see an orthopedic specialist.
So yeah lesson learned to go to one once you’re hurt. ??
No they are quacks that are not even real doctors.
You too can become a "doctor of chiropractic", in any state, with a high school diploma & on-line courses.
I have used PTs,chiros, and masseuses to help alleviate pain in my hips. I think they all helped with different parts of the same problem...in the past, I got a lot of pain relief just from a chiropractor, but I am a skeptical fan.
You know, it works for some. It has worked for me, but I go maybe once or twice a year cause I remain relatively healthy and injury free. To each their own.
If you can find a good one who isn't into woo. I fell about 12 ft onto concrete in 2005 and landed on my pelvis, causing one side to push in and up. I spent a lot of time in physical therapy to get my bones back in place and my muscles strong enough to keep them there. Some of the techniques they used were chiropractic. If I slack off my strengthening exercises for too long, things start to migrate out of place again and a visit to the chiropractor is the best way to get things in place again. It's amazing the difference it makes. But you have to find the right one. I had one who just saw me as dollar signs and wanted me to keep coming in. The one I see now won't charge you if you don't need to be adjusted. It's very very helpful to me.
I believe that it can be beneficial in some instances but a lot of what I see on YouTube is quackery. They are trained to spout jiberish while "adjusting" you in order for them to sound technical. I do believe that they believe it.
I went to a chiropractor one time. The day after we worked on my back, it got so bad that I had to have back surgery THAT DAY.
Reminds me of a follow up visit I had made to a chiropractor , just for a tune up and check up After the adjustment my back increasingly experienced a sharp stabbing pain . So I returned for a do over , which to his credit was free . Turns out by his own admission I had a dislocated rib , as a likely consequence of his manipulation of my spine . Prior to this , I had not been experiencing any apparent problems with my back .
DO NOT LET THEM SNAP YOUR NECK! I suffered a brain stem stroke at age 38...turned 39 in the hospital, still have residual damage at 70.
Do you know you can become a "doctor of chiropractic", in any state, with a bigh school diploma and 2 years of courses, from on-line schools?
Is it legal though to call yourself a doctor? Don't you have to be a MD or have a PhD?
btw that is a horrific experience to have gone through.
@MsDemeanour They can call themselves Doctors. (Though I would think not md)
@kgoodyear Thanks for that. I just did some research (in my own country). In Aust, one must have completed a five year degree so that is pretty intensive. After that they may apply for registration and call themselves a doctor. Now this makes me want to look further into evidence based research in this area.
@MsDemeanour I only found this out from the lawyers when we sued....they keep it Very quiet!
@kgoodyear exactly!
I used to be the biggest skeptic of all. Then I had a pulled muscle under my shoulder blade. The Chiropractor took an xray and should how my spine was slightly pulled in an s curve at my shoulder blades. Had me change shoes as he said bad shoes help throw the gait off. That and manipulation excercise had me good as new in three weeks. Stopped doubting. We have a doctor at our Osteopathic Clinic at Ohio University who treats back problems. He is a miracle worker and is a real doctor but uses manipulation. So he gets my vote too.
well I hate to be a fence sitter but I DO believe in the placebo effect
Yes, but like anything else...it depends on the situation, condition, and person. It has helped me with some of my back and joint problems, other problems it doesn't help any. But true to form, simple Americans can only see in red/blue, black/white, true/false...and not realize that we live in an analogue world that is very complicated, and every situation is different. Everything has to be put in a Happy Meal box for easy mental digestion.
YES! I had spinal pain and my local chiropractor fixed it.
They are effective to a certain extent but a good massuese can give you as much relief and save you money. There are no medical benefits from going to Chiropractors they can't current cancer, but they can give you pain relief and other things that makes for a healthy lifestyle,. They have been ridiculed for making medical claims in the past.
@Soarfeet There are numerous chiropractors who make grandiose claims regarding how supposedly all medical maladies are tied to misaligned spinal vertebrae [sciencebasedmedicine.org] , [chirobase.org] . In my personal experience , I have come to conclude that chiropractors are at best glorified massage therapists . And for the most part , I simply go to an osteopathic physician for treatment .
I used to work in a physical therapists' office and they hated nothing more than injuries made worse by chiropractors. Chiropractors are the "get rich quick" medicine compared to physical therapists that can actually repair you but take time and dedication to do so. There is no quick fix and chiropractors are high risk for immediate but short lasting relief.