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All the more reason to secure the southern border.

Trajan61 8 Dec 29

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News update:
Gov. Jerry Brown has said the law strikes a balance between protecting families and ensuring consequences for serious criminals. His spokesman said Friday that if the suspect was a known gang member, police could have informed federal authorities.

“California law fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members,” spokesman Evan Westrup said.

Former state Sen. Kevin de Leon, the Democrat who wrote the legislation, said it’s “highly irresponsible” to blame the law for the officer’s death.

“The type of tone and attitude that Sheriff Christianson has taken instills fear and panic in all immigrant communities” that could make people afraid to report crimes, de Leon told KNX-AM radio in Los Angeles.

So why is there such a wide disagreement as to what the sanctuary law provides and excepts? The Sheriff thinks the law says one thing and and the Governor and the former state senator, who wrote the law, say something else. Is the sheriff willfully ignoring the inconvenient truth?


So what do you purpose to do just open up the border and let everyone come on up?@marine


I wonder does the wall have some kind of sensor to determine who has criminal tendencies ?


The wall is a waste of money. If humans can scale mountains and get across oceans, a damn wall will not stop them.

It is not just the cost of building it, it is the astronomical sum of money needed to maintain it that many detractors have with it

Are you saying we don’t need border security? That’s what this is about. There will only be walls in cities.

@Trajan61 (that’s not a good approach… I think she’s willing to work with you) Many democrats - (and I’m not talking about ‘polls’ in which the fear of ‘sounding like a racist’ has people answering contrary to their actual opinions) - are aware of and willing to work with republicans to fix this. But if they’re given nothing but an ultimatum.. as in, ‘you either support this wall,’ ‘or you don’t support border security,’ you’re gonna lose em…

‘The Wall’s’ idiotic. When in Oregon, it was likely after Reagan’s increased border enforcement (after his Amnesty) that small boats were showing up offshore. Oregon’s beaches are not only ‘all public,’ but undefended 🙂 Illegal immigrants were being dropped off in the surf, given bag lunches, crude maps and directions to the Willamette Valley. The Coast Guard had no idea what to do ..other than ‘monitor’ the situation and provide aid to anyone in trouble.

That’s one reason your post on Sanctuary Cities grabbed me; if illegal economic opportunist can penetrate our massive border, they’re nearly home free. But further polarizing the nation in response to it is not working - the Left has doubled down because the Right has gone nuts … time for the Middle to unite?

@Varn Sounds very reasonable. We need to work together to solve the illegal imigration problem.

@Trajan61 Do you not understand plain english?


‘Sanctuary Cities’ are a haven. It’s a fuckin mess.. It’s a different culture arriving; I recently spent 6 years employed between 3 west coast school districts, and the training we were given regarding gang violence alone was chilling. Additionally, the cost (often hidden by leftist administrators and staff) was astronomical providing specialized programs, additional security, community resources and staff…

But, it’s become a political football. Reagan granted the original Amnesty, a reward and incentive for having arrived and remained here illegally. The ‘deal’ was to also increase border enforcement. Amnesty was granted (with an additional 8 ‘family members’ allowed in as well), but enforcement was quickly curtailed..

With newly legalized immigrants providing homes (often with 3 families living in one), and the assumption that all one needs do is get across the border, take an entry level job, pay ‘rent’ to a newly legal homeowner, with an all-too-common ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy among social services, school districts and police departments - the inflow serged.

Clinton ignored it.. Bush Jr encourage it. So, as an apparent Republican supporter - why? So Unions could be more easily broken? So hourly wages could be undercut? For cheap, desperate labor that could be exploited?

Obama actually took heat from leftist extremists for deporting more aliens than his predecessor… Though attempted to ‘balance’ that with various Amnesty attempts..

So - the problem has festered. Anyone requesting something serious be done is instantly labeled ‘a Racist.’ trump was the only candidate in that massive pack of Republicans willing to ‘say it,’ but what he’s said, and how he’s said it was crafted for the ears of his radical ignorant base - largely consisting of racist bigots..

Tragan61 - I’m talkin to you here, and will not respond to detractors. Can we find common ground? Or has trump so polarized this issue (as he has every other) that when a Democrat agrees with you - not that a wall would or should be the answer - but that consistent, cooperative and enhanced law enforcement of our southern border must remain a priority, that E-Verify becomes mandatory, and that deportations of illegal aliens continue … said Democrat doesn't end up with a leftist mob looking to kill him with a club 😕 ?

Varn Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

@Trajan61 WTF then..? How do we, as US Citizens come together on this? I’d not looked into the Democrats proposal to trump in place of ‘a wall,’ but it may be worth consideration.. But then ‘we know how it goes,’ something is kinda done for a little while ..till nobody's watching, then it’s dropped...

I was once responsible (though never let it be known back in the day) ..not so long ago for having basically broken up my and another active Dem’s attempt at initiating a democrats group in a nearby town. An extremist questioned my use of the term ‘illegal,’ I described why, the meeting went chaotic and the room divided...

...A considerate, moderate couple timidly approached me, “We want to thank you for what you said,” “We’ve felt the same way,” “But as Democrats,” “Didn’t feel we were allowed to say it.” And, having ‘manned’ many a Dem’s Booth in various small town venues, I constantly came across the same, with their approaches too varied to describe.

We had a booth sign that read, “When Latinos vote, Democrats win.” A considerate guy stood back pondering it, then asked, “What is that supposed to mean?” Shook my head sideways.. He said something like, “That’s where I part ways with the Democratic Party.” We had one reading the same for ‘Women,’ too. I let our party chair know that when I worked the booth, those came down - ‘if I can’t explain them, I can’t support them.’

Originally a registered Republican, Reagan, and his religious butt-kissing drove me out.. I’ve a very small contingent of moderate republican friends having remained within the party. So, it’s either one or the other… And I’ve nearly given up attempting to convince ‘fellow democrats’ that we’re getting our butts kicked over this issue!

It’s bigger than both of us, and as mentioned, I take shit every time I speak truth to this issue… But let me know if you think there’s hope for a serious compromise. It’s hard to believe the upper echelon Dems aren’t aware of those among the ranks who’d also like to see something done … but whenever questioned ..feel they’d best parrot the party line ~

@Varn Not sure what the answer is but I’m sure there should be some way to compromise. I’d do think we need to get a handle on illegal imigration one somehow.

If you don’t want refugees then don’t go into their counter and start trouble.

@Jolanta Two wrongs don’t make a right.

@Varn What she is saying is that we the U.S. should not be turning those countries into shitholes so they would rather stay home than come here.

@Lucy_Fehr We must continue to fight as diligently against rogue presidents & bad policy as those having illegally entered our nation.

I occasionally think back to my research on the entry requirements of various nations I’d considered. It never once struct me to just ‘move in.’ As if Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, England, Costa Rica, France, Canada, Switzerland (my family heritage) or Belize would or should allow me to sneak in, take someone else's job, begin consuming their social welfare … and eventually become a citizen because I hadn’t ‘committed a crime.’

I wish I had more time but first I wish to say that I do not advocate just letting the illegals come in and gain citizenship except for children that came in with their parents and have lived here long enough to be American in their viewpoints and have little to no memory of their birth country

I have been researching other countries with an eye to perhaps retiring to one some day and of course will take the time to learn the language, customs, laws and mores but wish to point out that you and I are in a relatively safe and affluent country compared to the people coming here.

You're comparing apples to oranges regarding emigrating FROM the U.S to countries that are all also relatively stable

I don't for one second doubt that should a meteor hit the U.S. and the only decent place left to live was Mexico- you, me and millions of others would be stampeding for the border heading south.

@Lucy_Fehr ...and I’m getting a bit tired of repeating myself.. But our nation is what it is because those before us fought for the rights we have. All of them. What I see are economic opportunists, not refugees fleeing natural disasters..

@Varn I don't know what you keep repeating as I don't recall discussing this with you prior to today and perhaps natural disaster was a bad choice when their issues are for the most part caused by the meddling of our country rather than a meteor.

The freedoms we got by decimating the indigenous peoples already here right? Or bringing democracy to countries that just happen to have the resources our way of life depends on?

Im sure there are a number of opportunists attempting to immigrate but most just want a better life in that country that has as a national symbol a statue inviting them: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

We went to their countries, meddled, caused a cluster fuck or worse and now want to blame the poor wretches for wanting to leave?

The U.S. has been opportunists since before we were our own country. Manifest destiny and all that.

We never stopped invading and taking whatever we wanted.

@Lucy_Fehr Yah, we’ve meddled in a lot of countries, and saved a lot of others, but that doesn't give their inhabitants the right to invade ours. We all want a better life, but instead of fleeing, some of us fight.

That ‘statue of liberty piece’ was not sanctioned or placed there by our government, and at best, depicts a time past. The USA remains the most generous nation on the planet with regard to the number of immigrants it legally admits every year, and the most diverse.

The history of humanity is aggressive, every lasting nation has either expanded or defended it’s borders. Indigenous peoples of the Americas stole both territory and enslaved neighboring tribes for eons. Shit happens, yes. But there’s no reason to put up with it..


Yes, of course. Criminals everywhere are crossing our borders to find sanctuary in California. Somehow that makes perfect sense. Just kill a cop there and you cannot be deported.


Let’s be real you could build the wall of China along our border and as long as we have a prohibition state that has essentially created the price of these drugs to be extremely inflated which means that criminals make all the profit.

And where there’s criminal profit you will have criminal’s and surprise they’re going to do criminal things. But if we can curb their attraction to our country then chances are we’ll have fewer to deal with.

I’m pretty sure that the people of Juarez would appreciate it as well so blaming those who see our weakness as their way out of poverty is no worse than what we’ve done to every small oil producing country since the 70’s.


We don't need no ridiculous wall for all the reasons others have said! There are many more American murderers than any other country. Should we kick out all the Americans, too?

Aggy Level 4 Dec 29, 2018

Christ I hate the word 'alien'. If anything exemplifies the 'them' and 'us' or 'same' and 'different' it is the word alien. You do know that to the rest of the english speaking world alien means a little green man from mars? That's how much we see it as 'them' and 'us'.

Even as a legal resident I am called an Alien. On my green card I have an A#.

@Green_eyes Wow! Are you one of those shape-shifting reptilian people who are taking over the world? I never met one before. This would be a very exciting moment if you were!

@MsDemeanour I’m a tall blond white woman so naturally the republicans don’t have issue with me.. but if anything changes I’ll let you know! Lol


As been stated many times, most illegal aliens are here because of expired visas not by crossing the border illegally.

A border wall isn't going to keep undocumented aliens out. It has been proven that not only can the wall be scaled easily, but we have oceans on both sides and airplanes. They (illegal aliens) also have been know to construct elaborate tunnel systems from one side to the next.

Spending billions of dollars is a waste of taxpayer money. If you want a wall built, set up a go fund me account like the other guy did.


As I said in response to a similar post, white supremacists murder a hulluva lot more people and police offices then do immigrants. Do you want to kick all of them out of the country?


I agree on the shielding of illegal immigrants can cause problems but this one case absolutely does not justify a multi-billion wall that will have such a devastating effect on the environment and some people's property. This is an example of over excessiveness!

So let’s just do away with border security? Is that your suggestion?

@Trajan61 Absolutely not! Lets quit focusing on structures alone and focus on other, more successful means. The idea of building a wall not only has limits (people are always find ways around or under them) but it is only one point in a myriad of other necessary steps (like what do we do when they get here or how do we handle the Rio Grande River).
Ever hear of the Maginot line? Guess what, it didn't work and, in fact the Germans actually used it against the French. []

@JackPedigo The Maginot like didn’t work because If was outdated at the time it was built by advances in moble warfare and there was no way a fixed fortification could withstand an assault from the powerful German Wehrmacht with its Blitzkreig tastics. The Iron Curtain worked quite well at curtailing the movement of people from the communist east to the capitalist west. There’s never been any intention of building a wall all along the border, just in heavily populated areas. Even though Trump likes to use the term “build the wall” the 5 billion is for border security. Since you oppose border security what do you purpose, just let all the people that want to come just come on up?

@Trajan61 That is BS. The Marginot wall fell because the Germans went around it. It was not outdated at the time. Again, simple solutions do not and have not worked. There is also a complete failure to understand the terrible environmental and property rights damage of such a wall. A wall already exists and, through other means the flow of people from Mexico has been slowed (under Obama). There are actually, more illegals coming from Canada. Should we build a wall there as well????

So according to you the Maginot line worked so why not the wall on the southern border?


I thought the Sheriff made a good point. We need to reconcile deporting criminal undocumented aliens with the need for community policing. But the Sheriff either doesn't understand or doesn't care about partnering with his community.

Deporting is often thought of as a solution but deportees often just come right back over and over.


Please read my response to Vets attempt to make this argument. A sad day day for the Sighn family, but a toally fallacious argument.

Hate crimes by white supremists are 100X more prevalrnt than crimes of violence by illrgal immigrants.

White supremist crimes are very rare so what are you talking about?

@Trajan61 According to Southern Poverty Law Center, and the latest FBI statistics for 2016 and 2017, hate crimes and violent crimes by white supremicists are up by 400% since Trump took office. And they estimate that a large percentage go unreported due to intimidation and fear. So your statement is patently false and is not supported by the facts.

@Trajan61 I wouldn't call this rare....

@t1nick The Southern Justice Poverty law center is a biased liberal piece of crap and therefore very unreliable.

@Trajan61 The law center deals in empirically collected, statistical facts. Yes it is liberal in the positions it takes. But everything they espouse is backed up by empirical facts. You haven't stated one factually based argument in the year I've known you on this site.

@Trajan61 and you opinion of the FBI statistics is what?

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