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Has anyone ever thought about rediscovering religion or thought about going back to the Church?

Cutiebeauty 9 Jan 3

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I've thought about starting my own new-age religion to get rich from gullible fools, but I value my integrity.

I've never had a religion that I could return to, but I can't imagine that if a blind man woke up one morning to discover that he could see; he'd want to go back into the dark.

JimG Level 8 Jan 3, 2019

No... I am not...

@cutiebeauty Just checking. No judgement from me either way. Just wasn't sure if you might have been reaching out.


Just shoot me if I ever proclaim my reverence to Any Bronze Age myth


Absolutely no, never.


only if one wants to believe in santa claus again, YAK YAK YAK YAK


No, I could never again do that because of my reading of the holy books and my observation and experience with believers.


I never believed it ever so there's no chance. if I want to see a great fairy tail ill watch game of thrones or thor


If I ever decide I want to go back to playing make believe. Forget Church, I really want to try one of those cosplay conventions!


No. Religion is a parasite; what it offers is better gained by other means IMO. Not to mention the baggage that easily comes with it.


It is possible to "rediscover" religion and go back to church for the social aspect of it, but "rediscovering" god, what is there to rediscover of something that does not exist?


Absolutely not.

I prefer reality based on facts (testable, verifiable and falsifiable). I hold only pity for those who dishonestly employ faith (belief without evidence) as tool to analyze truth (based on testable facts).


No. I will go to the church in some occasions because of friends or family but don't even consider religion.


I'm thinking of going back next Sun. to the Unitarian church that I'm still technically a member of, even tho I haven't been in there for over a year. Thinking of going because I'm just too isolated, even tho I am very turned off by some of the people and the interim minister. But this really doesn't count as the kind of church you all are talking about.




I didn’t think about rediscovering religion, but, through the study of science, I discovered authentic religion for the first time. It doesn’t resemble what almost all believers and nonbelievers think religion is today.

skado Level 9 Jan 3, 2019

Belief in, and worship of, a literal god is what I'm saying almost all believers and non-believers think religion is about... and I don't.

A good practice of course. But dictionaries are written by the same creatures that wrote all religious texts: humans.

Check your mail.

Dictionaries give only the simplest definitions of words, so a reader or speaker can get in the ballpark. Move over to something like Wikipedia, and you get a full page of explanation, including the cautionary statement that there is no scholarly consensus on the precise definition of the word, religion. Move on over to a university library and you can spend a lifetime trying to figure out what religion is. It’s not a simple thing. I’d be happy to default to a definition if I could pin one down. We’re just left to decide on our own, and people don’t agree... and in this case, there is no single authoritative source to cite.

It’s always a choice I guess.


Not a snowball's chance in a Blast Furnace would I even give a second of consideration.


I was invited to a church a few weeks ago. I am tempted to go for curiosity only. I have been to many churches, and I am curious how this one 'praises'.


Not for 9 months or so.


I've thought about starting a Unitarian group in my town, but that's not exactly religion, more like a humanist community.

Orbit Level 7 Jan 4, 2019

A lot of UU groups include atheists and agnostics in practice


For a while I wanted to try and get an idea of why some people were so adamantly hanging on to religion. After a while a pattern emerged - hard headed, simple mindedness. I would consider jumping off a cliff before even thinking of going back to any religion.


I occasionally watch some Christian tv just to see what they are up to, but that’s as far as I’ll go. I’d have to be seriously psychotic in order to reconsider my stance on the bible, and I’d expect to find myself recovering in a psych ward soon afterwards.




I would rather be water boarded daily!!

CMan Level 7 Jan 3, 2019
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