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Do you think I should try pot ? I never wanted to when I was a believer. For some reason, I want to try it now. Looking for suggestions or thoughts on the topic.

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freedom41 9 Jan 3

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I live in Colorado, so it's required!
I have a vape pen I use once in a while and I get some of those marijuana gummies which are nice.
The product I like the most is the weed-based skin lotion which does an amazing job.


I voted NO, b/c once you do it, you will be acutely aware of what you have been missing. I also don't suggest eating bacon, experiencing a massage, getting a huge sum of tax-free money, or having sex. Once you do these things, including will want them in your life from then on out!

Hahahaha. And watch out...
It's a gateway drug...
To the fridge

@Cat021958 I saw Lorne Michaels back before SNL do a stand up routine on being a pot smoking Zombie attacking the fridge while dieting.


I’ve been smoking pot for 30 years. My first instinct was to just vote yes. However, I think choosing to do anything for the first time should really be a personal decision.

Now that more states are legalizing, I would think you could feel a bit more secure in knowing it’s not bad for you, really. Have some good food and a comfy couch waiting, you’ll be thankful. 🙂


Depends on what state and what job you have.

If you have a job that tests for pot and has a policy against it, No. not a good idea.

If you live in a state that still has pot scheduled as a crime, No, not a good idea.

If you do not have a job that tests for pot and live in a state that has no law against weed, whatever you decide.


Yes, yes, and yes! Especially for us older stoners...we have no pain, we have no worries, we have no hunger (munchies, man!).
If you're not into getting high(yet), see if you can get some CBD joints... they're the bomb, without the extreme high.

CBD Oil is fantastic, as is the tincture I get which is made up of CBD and THC. It's not psychoactive unless heated, and it's worked wonders for my rheumatoid arthritis.


I'd say try it at least once, if not twice. If you've tried other vices (smoking, drinking) why not add this one too.


you've been advised not to smoke too much the first time. the truth is, you will need more to get high the first time than ever again because it is the opposite of addictive. i didn't get high the first five times i tried! the sixth time, a friend was determined to get me high and we smoked all day long. she was on the floor by late afternoon and i was sitting there saying "i don't feel anything." about a half hour after we finally stopped, i felt an urge to conjugate a verb. (yeah, that's my idea of a stoned revelation!) then her parents took us out to eat chinese, and my food kind of burbled at me. i was delighted but couldn't mention it because of the grownups. after that, i was such a cheap date. it never took much to get me high after that.

some people find that the ONE thing grass won't fix and might make worse is a headache. others report no such thing. i won't smoke it if i have a headache. everything else, hell yeah, it makes pain more bearable, relieves anxiety, makes one forget depression, and it's not addictive (people with adictive personalities can become dependent on it, but such people can be addicted to video games, or shoe collecting, or anything, and the pot should not be blamed for that; it has no physically addicting properties).

i don't like drinking or being drunk, though in japan i dabbled in that (i was there 10 years; everyone drinks there!) it's not the same feeling at all. pot is nice.

but is it for you? only you can know, and to know, you have to try it. try it more than once, though. then decide.


With the high potency strains these days, it doesn't take much, far better to under-do it than do too much. One can always smoke a little more if necessary, but once smoked, you can't un-smoke it.

@nvrnuff well, this is true enough! sort of like salt in a recipe.


Thoughtful response

One size doesn't fit all---each of us has a unique system. I would recommend that people start out low and work up. My body is so weirdly hyper-sensitive that a little goes a long way.


During the civil war, pot was used to incite troops to rabid violence. It worked fine. This is because pot enhances whatever emotion is in play.

So, beware. The use of any drug will change your life.

I have NEVER, EVER seen or experienced any rabid violence even remotely connected to smoking some weed.

@nvrnuff . . This is a good thing. Don't ya think?

"tis true about the civil war thang.

@Jacar It may well be true, but I would think it would have the opposite effect if it was any good.

@maturin1919 I would hope not.

Could you provide a link to that statement about the Civil War rabid violence thing? I can't find anything on that despite a google search. I find this very hard to believe. My oldest brother was always instigating fights and was generally just an all around angry person, but when he smoked weed he wasn't that bad. It mellowed him out some and was nicer than normal. I know it makes me feel mellow. I'm calling bs on this one.

@RhondaShotwell . . . thank you for asking.
It has been many years, so it will take more time than expected to find the lost reference.

Pot can be used to enhance any emotion. Paranoia is a great one during war. "Today we fight the legions of satan. Kill them all."

I'd prefer stiff whisky.

@Jacar-- Alcohol is more dangerous than weed. That is statistically true. Certain strains of weed produce different states of being such as paranoia. Alcohol can make some people more aggressive. News outlets are abundant with articles about people starting physical fights while intoxicated, including murder for the silliest of reasons. That reference to "fighting the legions of satan" seems more religious than anything else.

@nvrnuff my sister's and I would war to see who'd get the last ding-dong or the box of frosted corn flakes... my youngest sister lost a lot of battles, lol.

@Twisted185 Yer sooo bad!!!!! LOL

@RhondaShotwell . . . "alcohol is more dangerous than weed" that is a slogan not a fact.

@RhondaShotwell, @maturin1919 . . really? have you read anything else i have posted?

@maturin1919 . . . credibility. I never post without having done the research.

@Jacar Dude...the only thing I want to fight, after smok'n a fatty after a long day at work, is my dog...she likes to hog the sofa and I have to fight for my place along side her. The only other individuals that I battle with, are my son or my daughter, when they come in looking for a tie over until they can get to the pot shop. And dammit if I don't share freely because a family that smokes together, has fun together. 🙂

@Twisted185 ::: I did not write that using pot is bad, at this moment in history.

But, paranoia is a powerful emotion. And that is the emotion used during the civil war to incite soldiers to fight like crazy.


If you're going to try it, make sure you obtain it from, and smoke it with, people you trust.
The old adage was that "you don't get high the first time you smoke".
My first time smoking pot was 45 years ago, so I don't know if that's still true.
Potency has changed considerably since then.
Just go easy. If you don't feel anything right away, don't smoke more.
Same with edibles.
Rookie mistake. Be patient.
Don't mix with alcohol. Especially tequila. Trust me.

@Closeted Yeah, that's always a real crap shoot. That's why it should be legalized, across the board. You'll have a better idea of what you're buying.

I couldn't agree more!


I’m a late bloomer and it has been a positive addition to my life. Still angry I believed it was dangerous for so long but better late than never. It helps I live in a legal state. But I don’t smoke it, only eat it. The sensations last way longer eating it so it’s a bit of a commitment at the time so smoking is the way to go if you want more control from what I understand. There are lots of tips for beginners online.

Like where?

@freedom41 []

@freedom41 []


Do not mix it with alcohol.. thats usually why so many people have a bad reaction their first time..

I don't drunk so that is not a problem.


Yes. Just note to not over do eatables. They pack a punch, but take a bit longer to get into the system. Once they do they are the best if not over eaten.


I would say this . . . . consider what you take into it. If you have weaknesses that could start you down a road that would lead you into a bad direction, be very careful. It can lead you into some serious exploration, or some serious trouble. Be conscious of that. Reading Aldous Huxley's "Doors of Perception" might get you off on the right foot . . . it is an experience, a mind-bending experience.

THHA Level 7 Jan 3, 2019

@THHA What kind of freaky weed do you smoke?

I don't. It was many years ago . . . and some of it was pretty damn freaky for sure.

@THHA like the black, tarry stuff in Africa and parts of Asia. Thai stick. Hawaiian. I may talk myself into partaking again.


All drugs change brain structure. . .This is obviously demonstrated in every defense of a particular drug's existence, legal status, and affect upon society, in the advocates who have very obviously been using their preferred substance.

Marijuana will change your brain chemistry. And eventually your brain's structure.

To think otherwise is a reflection of your ignorance. Not your knowledge.

The line of addiction is different for each human.

I really want to find some pot of 70s strength. I miss being able to share a joint. Spit among friends was a tribal connection. The pot of today is way to much like moonshine. I want some beer pot. low octane and smokeable.

How is that wrong?

African and Asian pot kicked ass in the 70's.

@Beowulfsfriend . . . I think i remember that.


Why the hell not?!?


If you do, don't smoke too much your first time, if you can, get high with someone you know, who is experienced, and also knows you are not. It will make the experience much better.


This will change your life. No way to prepare.

Watch "Reefer Madness" before you make any decisions.

I love this movie. It's a riot.

@Jacar--I seriously hope you are being sarcastic or funny!

Be careful or you, too, might ingest glass when you smoke weed! You have been warned!!

@Byrdsfan LOL for real!


If you do please remember one thing: no amount is too small. Today's weed is state of the art strong. A milder buzz is much more pleasant.


ABSOLUTELY...GO FOR IT, if you don't mind being buzzed, you'll love it!!!


Everyone is different. If you are prone to addictive behavior I would not. Cannabis is not addictive but those that have "addictive personalities" might stay away from anything that they will pursue to the detriment of their lives. So if you are a well balanced, mostly happy person that is likely what you will be enjoying the buzz. If you are a psychopath with delusions of paranoia & auditory hallucinations....I would not advise it. Start slow with one hit. Do not begin with edibles, or oils, or hash or any of the more condensed & more potent derivations. Indica is relaxing. Sativa is energizing. Read up on the varieties. 15 to 30 minute buzz. Munchies, dry mouth. Enjoy.


Reality: you brain will change. You will perceive reality differently. No matter what others are telling you, you will be different.

Think about this. Do NOT listen to all those who are telling you there is no problem. They are speaking in defense of their decisions.

Possible side effects: Becoming more democratic, more sympathetic, more reasonable, more tolerant,... And more irritable.

This is not a joke, even as many think it is.

Any drug use will change you life. . . . It does not matter which color pill you choose.


I don't subscribe to the "if it feels good, do it" philosophy, because how do you know if it feels good until you do it? I don't think there is much harm in trying pot, though. I don't like it, but many of my friends do.


I just heard a NPR report on this. []


Do you live in a canabis-friendly state? Have you ever smoked anything before (tobacco, weed, corn silkm banana peels, haschish?) If money is no object, get a vaporizer. It is much smoother and easier on the lungs. Happy mind expansion trip.

I did smoke cigs 10 years ago. For some odd reason I wanted to pick the habit after i decided to be an Atheist.


No harm in trying it. Seems like everyone & their grandmother use it these days.

Carin Level 8 Jan 4, 2019

You wouldn't believe the "older" folks that I see going into the local store that I frequent. It's amazing and pretty damned cool to see. I was standing in line behind an elderly couple, chatting amongst themselves, and his wife turned to me and randomly blurted "Idaho better change their stance, they've lost two residents as of yesterday." The mere fact that two individuals, who've lived in a restrictive area for probably decades, and decided to uproot and come to Washington, made my heart happy.


Cannabis is an incredibly healing plant. I recently saw an incredible online seminar from a group called "The Sacred Plant." I've been using a tincture with CBD and THC and it has helped heal my rheumatoid arthritis, and ingesting a small amount of edible helps me to sleep better. I will probably experiment with taking a couple of tokes, as well, though I wouldn't want to smoke too often.
Yes, definitely give it a go, but I would recommend that you get it from a reliable dispensary, if at all possible.The fact that it was made illegal for so many years in America shows what a backward country it really is.

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