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Do you think I should try pot ? I never wanted to when I was a believer. For some reason, I want to try it now. Looking for suggestions or thoughts on the topic.

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freedom41 9 Jan 3

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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I live in Colorado, so it's required!
I have a vape pen I use once in a while and I get some of those marijuana gummies which are nice.
The product I like the most is the weed-based skin lotion which does an amazing job.


Pot is not addictive, but alcohol is. I've never heard of anyone being killed by smoking too much pot, but many die from alcohol. It might make you sleepy, but will never make you pass out. It doesn't lead to being addicted to other drugs; although, many who smoke it and realize how the hype is much worse than pot, and they may try other drugs. That may lead to addiction, if you are prone to it. I tried many things as a young man, but did not become addicted to any. Sooner or later you will probably be prescribed an opiate like vicodin or morphine. Don't buy opiates on the street. They are highly addictive; so is cocaine, crack, amphetamines (speed) and barbiturates. There may be others that I didn't try. As far as I know, LSD, peyote and psilocybin mushrooms are not addictive, but they are powerful, especially LSD. The medical profession is now testing psilocybin to treat depression, which IMO is a great idea. IMO the world would be a better place if there were a psilocybin holiday, and everyone ate one. I don't recommend any other drug, not even pot or alcohol. Although, pot is mild and not addictive like opiates, many people like it and use daily. Smoking it coats your lungs with tar and ash, so it isn't good to smoke, but it can be eaten.

It's your decision.

Medical cannabis is incredibly healing. I use a tincture for my rheumatoid arthritis, and a tiny bit of edible helps me to sleep much better. The tincture has THC but it's not psychoactive unless it's heated. Millions of people with various health problems have been getting relief and healing from cannabis and hemp, two miracle plants. The fact that it was deliberately maligned since the 1930s has to do with racism more than anything else.

@ClaireMilner The drug companies have also campaigned to assure it is illegal. Until recently they considered it a threat to their business. Now, I'd expect they will pay congress to make it legal for big business to grow and process into medicine, but prevent individuals from growing their own.

addiction is a fine line. . . . the most addictive drug in the US is sugar, followed by salt.

The result of using these chemicals can be seen every where everyday.

@Jacar Food addictions are powerful, because it is necessary for survival. Recreational drugs are not necessary for survival, some are addictive, like vicodin, but only some people like that addiction. I dislike it, but endure it to relieve pain. One of my brothers will steal it to get high. He is also an alcoholic, but not me.


I haven't smoked more than a couple times in the past 40 years. It is now legal where I live, although there are no places to buy it and won't be for over a year. I've suffered for years from anxiety and depression. My first panic attacks happened while high. It was the main reason I quit. From doing research online, I now believe there are varieties that are higher in cannabinoids and lower in THC that are better for relaxation without the jitters. I'm anxious to try some out. May try growing some as that is now legal too, and I enjoy gardening.


I think you should try it. It doesn't mean you have to make it a habit, but it's good to understand about things and it's hard to understand and form decent opinions if you don't share experiences. That being said... don't apply it to every situation.


Do you need help relaxing or dealing with pain? Just getting high? As a weed smoker just curious. I have a medical cannabis card.

Mainly to get high, but help relaxing as well.


The pot that is currently available is like moonshine. A billion proof.

This shit does not allow a slow sucking happiness. This shit is one hit and you are stoopid.


I don't understand the connection between being a believer and not wanting to do pot - if I were a believer I would see it as "God's" gift - a natural product that requires very little human intervention to produce a good high. What's the difference between that and catching a buzz from fermented fruit?

@Humanistheathen Christians are supposed to follow Christs teachings. Nothing about smoking a weed or drinking a beer. Such is the contorted doctrine of mainstream religion in the western world.


I’d preface my yes vote by asking if it’s legal where you’re at.

It might be in the near future. Our new governor wants to make it legal.

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