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Freud said that young girls suffer from penis envy. Surely, the corollary would have been to say that young boys suffer from vagina envy. Hmm! odd indeed that he failed to notice or mention the corollary.


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As a young girl I never even thought about the penii of the neighborhood; I was just resentful and jealous that they didn't have to have waist length hair, wear dresses all the damn time, have their behavior criticized, and clean the house instead of playing

When we had to go somewhere fancy, the boys could climb trees and ride bikes but the girls had to sit around inside because we had dresses on.

The only time I have ever been even slightly jealous of a penis is whenever I've needed to pee while outside

Women/girls fashion and roles have changed a lot in the past several decades and stereotypical images are well on their way into the annals of history where they belong.


I can't remember having penis envy when I was a girl, but later, I've always said I'd like to have a penis for 48hrs - just long enough to put it through it's paces with whoever I could convince - in any way possible, and jerk off in between...

The only time I've had any sort of genuine penis envy is during camping trips !

Do you think that it would enhance the quality of your life in any way and why 48hrs or is that just a random choice in terms of time?

@ASTRALMAX It would be merely to experience the feelings, and know another perspective. I enjoy being female too much to want to change.
And 48hrs was to allow for seduction and rest in between my exploits !

@evergreen Seduction, now there is difficult one to quantify and I wonder how would we gauge it. However, I do take your point about being able to experience the feelings from a male perspective and it is duly noted. I wonder how many males give due thought to how things are experienced from a female perspective..🙂

@ASTRALMAX I've had conversation with some, that expressed the desire to see what it was like to have a woman's body ...


You are being far too literal.


I got tit envy myself.

godef Level 7 Jan 17, 2019

God dammit, you beat to that one.

take hormones - and they could be yours !

@chucklesIII Great minds think alike!

@evergreen , You know how to make a hormone? Don't pay her.


If you have not read Freud, you may be a bit astounded if you did. I have, so I am quite hesitant to criticize him. Add to that, he was a pioneer in his field, and pioneers rarely get it all right, look at Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein as examples.
Short of people like George Boole, Freud was one of the most logical writers I have ever read. Additionally, I also think twice before I criticize someone from a different culture and time, because of the great amount of inter-cultural ignorance, linguistic ignorance, and outright arrogance of people who have no idea that most of the time they are being culture-centric or psychologically projecting. . . . I do not care to make the same blunder, many people do it, and have no idea they are doing it. That is not directed at anyone specific, it is just a comment to be thought about...

THHA Level 7 Jan 17, 2019

Are you referring to his application of logic in name calling when he challenged the mind state of those who disagreed with him? Or maybe you are referring to psychoanalytic vocabulary ( words derived from Greek Drama) whose termini or endings have been changed to give them a pseudo-scientific ring.

In order to do that, you have to have some pretty good pictures of how other cultures operate, how other societies operate, and I doubt many of us are at all up to that task, to any seriously competent degree. It is kind of like target practicing in the dark. As for the time element . . . . do you happen to have a time machine we can take a ride in? I find that the further you get away from your own time, the more difficult it is to understand what motivated people, or what their actual intentions were. Do you realize that you are product of your own time and how your culture affects you?

@Astralmax . . . Neither. I am referring to his writings, and only his writings.

@THHA If you have not already done so you might want to read some of the writings of Karl Krauss, a contemporary of Freud

@THHA We are all products of the culture and times in which we live to the degree that we do not reflect upon them or raise questions about the same.

The problem is, you cannot just say things like "men in the past were driven by their need for superiority" and expect it to stick. There are men like that today, of course, and it might even be provable in this time . . . but proving that it was the general case in some other time, would not be so easy.

There have existed some cultures that were actually run by women . . . can one therefore, make the statement that . . . "Women in the past were driven by their need for superiority" . . . ?

@Gwendolyn2018 I heard that Aristotle also said that women have more teeth than men but it did not occur to him to look into his wife's mouth and count her teeth. Not everything uttered by a philosopher or person who is deemed eminent bears up to scrutiny.

@Gwendolyn2018 @Gwendolyn2018 I heard that Aristotle also said that women have more teeth than men but it did not occur to him to look into his wife's mouth and count her teeth. Not everything uttered by a philosopher or person who is deemed eminent bears up to scrutiny.

@Gwendolyn2018 As I said, it is difficult to say, one usually cannot narrow it down to just one motive, for example, what was it that motivated certain humans to enslave others, was it because they had been enslaved themselves sometime in their past? Was it because they thought it was better to spare their lives rather than kill them off? Was it because they wanted sex slaves, as in ancient Pompeii? Was it because they could not find labor anywhere else? It is like saying that one color is responsible for a multi-color painting. When you claim that men had this psychological need to subjugate women, you are painting them all with one very wide brush, which might possibly be accurate if you were talking about the kings, emperors, and other power-hungry folks, but not generally. Obviously there are exceptions, for example . . . []

In very early times, survival depended on strength, tribes with the best warriors prevailed, and there was no questioning as to who was in charge, it was essential for survival, and traditions die hard, even within those who wish to change those traditions.
Me, I do not see the matter anywhere near as important as the issue of human survival in this day and age . . . . humanity will render itself extinct regardless of how the so-called battle of the sexes turns out, unless people start to see beyond their own culture-centric, language-centric, gender-centric, ego-centric individual worlds. I see nothing that convinces me that humanity is capable of it, and, unless some new huge paradigm shift is forthcoming, like advanced transhumanism, reason and logic will never prevail, and humanity will go the way of the dinosaur.


A lot of what Freud thought was full of shit. So I wouldn't read too much into this omission.

and a lot of it wasn't. don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. society's focus on masculine superiority may well have led him to this incorrect conclusion. he was noticing one thing and labeling it another. it's an easy error to make, especially in a field of study not previously ploughed. newton got a lot of stuff wrong too; we don't diss gravity because of it. we understand why he got it wrong and focus on the right stuff.


@genessa yeah, but what about no vagina envy in his oeuvre? I don't read too much into that omission.

@zeuser if he lives in a society that values men over women, why would he even imagine vagina envy? it would make no sense. sorry, i thought my explanation made that clear enough, without saying it outright. why would freud think that men envied the (as he saw it) inferior genitalia of the inferior sex? it's not a careless omission. it was, to someone like him, inconceivable.


@genessa Ah, I see. Good, we agree. ?


I think the idea was that men had a thing and women had no-thing, a concept familiar in Shakespeare's time (Much Ado About Nothing) and who knows when it started.


Freud had issues his own self. LOL

You are too kind ...LOL

@ASTRALMAX I'm trying. Doesn't always work. 😉


Because he was male, and don’t so many men think the penis is the best thing naturally ???? women want to have one and are soooooo junk jealous.
I take into account how sexist the time was, when I read Freud. There’s been some improvement since then, but not enough.
Note: the penis is fun to play with and makes a great handle, but I’m not envious of it.

Frank McCourt said in Angela's Ashes: "we were so poor that if we awoke on Christmas Day without an erection we had nothing to play with all day".

@ASTRALMAX that was a great book!

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