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This is an example of the simplistic nonsense Sky Fairy addicts spread around in a sorry and desperate attempt to keep a grasp on the weak. We are seeing the results of building lives around this silliness for thousands of years. Threat and fear based religion doesn't work. Now this book has gone evil: Its been turned into an instrument of hate, bias and is no longer a moral compass. Many prisoners grew up with the bible, and it didn't help them one iota as they still went to prison with a scrawled crucifix tattooed on their arms. Way past time to put down the fantasy and deal in reality.

Highway-Starr 7 Jan 20

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A very specious argument as bibles are allowed in school. Anyone can carry one. You just can't preach.
How about taking a poll: how many gang bangers and criminals wear crosses or have religious oriented tattoos when they commit a crime?


Sky Fairy, I like that expression!


A great majority of prison inmates see 'finding' religion as a way to get reduced sentences or even early parole, etc.
They DO NOT do it for the reasons claimed by the religious zealots.


A strong STEM education with emphasis on critical thinking is the cure for religion.


Any student, in any school, in 'merca can read a bible or pray anytime they want or feel like it and always had that right and always will have that right. It is against the US Constitution and the first amendment to be a school sponsored event.

Students can pray or read the bible at appropriate times. They can't claim they can't take a test or do their homework because it's time to read the bible. My experience as a high school English teacher is generally the inverse of what I expected or others expect with regards to religion in public schools. Whenever we touch on religious symbolism, allegory, etc., the religious students seem to know the least (or indeed, get annoyed a novel may have the gall to draw on religious imagery, symbolism, etc.), while the nonreligious students don't care. Years ago I taught world lit to seniors, and there were a couple of very small bible passages in their anthology book. I seem to remember Psalm 23. The kids complained to their history teacher...THAT IT WAS TOO HARD TO READ. He told me to get a more modern translation. When I explained we were not reading it as a religious text, but as literature, I just get blank stares. Nowadays I teach "Of Mice and Men" to Honors 9th graders, and the religious students complain about the "goddamn" and "Jesus Christ" swearing, completely missing Steinbeck's emphasis on the fallen nature of man (something I thought they would recognize), and instead complaining that Steinbeck and the characters must not believe in god or they wouldn't swear so much. Good grief.

@greyeyed123 I agree about reading the bible but anyone can pray anywhere at anytime, even during a test...silently...and I'm sure many do just that.


How about we just make it really clear to everyone that bible belongs in the "FICTION" aisle?

Keep them out of schools AND prisons.

@irascible I disagree.

@irascible They find "god" and then the "god gangs". Between the christians and muslims, they've got the prisons covered.
The christians have the Aryan Brotherhood, and the other christian cults.
The muslims have whatever they have.
They're just learning how to be better criminals, and they're networking.

@irascible Here's a couple, just to get you started.



@irascible Turning to 'gawd' is the low hanging fruit people grab when they hit a wall attempting to change their behavior. I feel psychotherapy and a psychiatric evaluation should be the go-to primary method instead. They focus on the individual in a straightforward scientific manner. The gawd solution confuses those who are already confused, and all solutions will be filtered through a dogmatic middleman, diluting effectiveness and instilling disdain in areas that could in fact contain solutions.

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