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The democrats are such idiots.

Trajan61 8 Jan 20

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You should fact check before you put up Memes like this. No, she did not say it. Here's the link []wall-will-violate-rights/


Lets see some source.


This guy keeps posting racist rants and lies from the right wing. Stop answering his posts and just ignore him and don't give him points.


Sadly, many Americans believe the illegals have rights...Not surprisingly, the Latinos legally in the country think exactly the opposite

It's not just the Latinos that think that. My late partner spent years of work and money to gain legal status for herself, her husband and their 2 kids. When she saw people coming here and hiding out and then getting amnesty it made her furious. It is a complete mockery of the rule of law. What most people do not understand is that a lot of pro-immigrant feelings have been implanted by some industries (one big one is the union SEUI). They want a source of cheap and controllable labor. They constantly lobby congress to not pass such viable laws as E-verify.

And I'm sure that they are glad that you are speaking for all Latinos in the country. The fact that you assume you can do so is racist as hell but don't let that stop you.

@JackPedigo oh. You have a friend that got mad so that makes her right? That's ridiculous.

@redbai Dear, no I am not speaking for all Latinos un USA......but for those who in countless occasions -in English and Spanish- have expressed their dislike for the illegals. Do you know why we don't like the illegals, dear? Because they give us a reputation we don't deserve...BTW, dear, the same reaction can be observed in people from other backgrounds when you ask them about the illegals from THEIR own countries.

@JackPedigo I feel for your former partner / family...and what you say is quite the truth.
BTW, it calls my attention they needed to spend so much money / wait for so long to receive the legal status. Are you sure their lawyer wasn't a crook?

@DUCHESSA What a load of BS. Emigrants coming from other countries only give you a bad reputation in the eyes of bigots. If that's a concern of your's you need to do some self evaluation as to why you give a damn about the accusations of bigots.

The idea that you call them "illegals" instead of "undocumented" demonstrates that you've already taken on the vocabulary of the bigots. No human being is "illegal", they have a perfect right to be on the planet. They are no more "illegal" than someone who runs a red light. Both are misdemeanors but for some reason people who get traffic tickets aren't considered "illegal citizens". The hypocrisy is disgusting.

@redbai First, dear, is IMMIGRANT. Second, no is not a load of BS. I have spoken to many Latinos -of all ages- and I know how they feel.

I guess, dear, to try to enlighten you will be the same as talking to a wall. Bye.

@DUCHESSA, @redbai Unfortunately, this is common among people who are closed to the complexities of immigration. The typical response is name calling. We get a lot of this from conservative trolls, name calling and hollow rhetoric.

@DUCHESSA, @redbai She was not just a friend, she was my life's partner. The reason we adopted calling each other partner was to show support for her gay son and his partner. Not all of us live in a B & W world.

@jackpedigo i am not closed to the complexity of immigration. ... I am an immigrant myself... Trust me, i know "a bit" more than most.

@DUCHESSA Thank you. I was also an emigrant to another country/culture and was married to an immigrant who came to the US at the age of 24. My dealings and openness to information on this important issue has also made me more knowledgeable than most. Way too many are driven by their gut reactions and tribal allegiances to understand just how complex this issue. I see this as a policy based on reason and evidence not an individual/people issue based on emotions.


Nancuta...nobody told you the illegals have no rights in USA?


This from a Fox news watcher.

And it isn't true. []


No she didn't.

Right wingers just love lying.

Here's the fact check link saying no she didn't say it. []


No, she actually didn't.

You are right her eis ht efact check link saying tht no she didn't say it. []


All sides are idiots ?



I think you have mistaken us for idiots who watch Faux news.



If "Troll" is the only comment you can make to someone you disagree with, then you are the troll.


Snopes calls bullshit on that comment.
So once again the whole bird brings the truth.
Oh and by the way as far as democrats and republicans go.

Same shit different animals.


The Democrats are not idiots. They seek power by any means and at any cost and are doing rather well in attaining their goal.

It is the people who vote for the Democrats who perhaps are idiots.


Snopes says this is bullshit


Why are the Trump supporters so goddamn gullible? Oh, never mind.

I notice no retort or shit for brains site given out. Common con man hit and run tactics. How many lies is tRumo up to by now?

Even if the meme isn’t entirely true it reflex’s Pelosi’s attitude as she refuses to even negotiate with Trump over border security even though in the past she has backed It.

@Trajan61 Border security isn't the same as the lackey's wall he obviously intends to profit from in some way.

You are following a Fredo.

@Trajan61 "Even if the meme isn't entirely true"? It's a lie. You defend this lie with yet another lie that you took in hook line and sinker. Learn to think for yourself. Your readiness to believe in every misinformation fed by Trump administration borders on religious faith.

Soon you would be telling yourself that the global warming isn't real.....

So does Polifact . []


And there it is. Facts and reality are not consistent with your beloved leader.



Why are Pelosi and the Democrats against the border wall? We need to keep illegals and drug smugglers out. I have absolutely no problem with legal immigration.

But by all means, let's make sure that the red blooded hillbilly fucks keep making that meth, and doctors keep pushing the opiates, so that Mexico can't corner THAT market, yeah?

@Stepmomofdragons so you want to use and exploit illegal aliens to pick fruit and scrub toilets?

@Twisted185 the government needs to have greater oversight on the opiate problem. I'm sure that the DEA and law enforcement do the best they can with the meth problem. Maybe instead of funding the wall , fund more addiction treatment facilities

@powder are you referring to deer, birds, ect?

@Stepmomofdragons somebody will do those jobs.

@RobertMartin and this is EXACTLY why Dems are against this wall. IT'S FUCKING STUPID!

@Twisted185 maybe line up the army along the border to keep illegals out? I'm open to any ideas to keep illegal immigrants out.

@powder That is just a part of the many issues involved. My favorie one is that over two thirds of illegals come her elegally and just over stay their visas, so the wall is already less than one third effective. Add to that tha tthe wall can be defeted with a ladder, or a rope, both mentioned by Trump himself, and tht Trump has been shown tunnels going under existing sections of wall, and the wall just becomes a waste of money and resources.


Ummm, you are "famous" for posting stuff with no actual citation of I'm going to file this in the "round file" on the floor until you do provide some documentation.

Here is a source which says the Meme is totally wrong. []

@snytiger6 aaaaaannnd, there you have it, ladies & gentlemen!


Most Republicans and Democrats in the US are very much the same, both serve big business.

As a POC, I can tell you that the rhetoric used by the Republicans for the past 40 years gave me no doubt that an openly racist person would one day be carrying their mantle and here we are. I cannot say that at all about the Democratic party's rhetoric. While the Democrats don't actually do anything, they don't purposely harm. I can't say that about the Republican party.

@redbai Well, I would say that voting to bomb Syria, Libya and other countries constitutes of doing harm, and a lot of Democrats voted for it and a lot of them want's to start a war with Iran too. And another thing is that none of those countries have ever done anything to the US either.

@Jolanta Voting is not rhetoric and I was pretty specific about the scope of the difference.

As far as foreign policy and the American penchant for the perpetual war; yes both parties are pretty much in bed with the war machine and it's ancillaries. I have no problem with acknowledging that. But that's simply a part of the culture. A culture that worships guns is gonna constantly be looking for ways to kill people so that they can play with their guns.

@redbai I actually don't think that as a culture that worships guns but this has all to do with power and money. It is about going into other people countries and stealing their resources.


Can you provide something besides a meme to verify that she said that? The idea that she said that and nothing else that would put such a comment into some kind of context is ridiculous and insulting to critically thinking people.

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