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Are there any folks here who are effected by the Mexican stand off in DC? Or know of someone who is. Your assessment? Policy by radio hosts & First Ladies? How many shoes does this First Lady have? A raffle maybe for the foodless? Who would think that working for the government would result in a $o.oo paycheck. Paycheck refugees. Nothing is secure in this world. As any refugee knows too well.

Mooolah 8 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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First off the stand off in D C if you were effected by it then make sure that you have reviewed all of the evidence before declaring your level of personal impact.

My take on the first lady’s or any ladies shoe count ?? there

And rest of it is the making of a book that George Orwell wouldn’t have imagined but it’ll mean nothing if we choose to not ensure that’ll never happen again.


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