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Would you have voted for Michelle Obama if she ran in 2016?

  • 26 votes
  • 9 votes
Bendog 7 Jan 30

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Absolutely. I'd vote for her no matter when she might run.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 31, 2019

Yeah I think I would have.


Depends on who she was running against.

trump? Of course!!!


no. I don't like keeping it in the family


I'd have voted for a 1981 Buick LeSabre or a half eaten meatball sub over Trump. ANYTHING would've been a better choice.

I had an 83 Le Sabre. Loved that car. Later, I had an even older one that I did not love lol

@Lucy_Fehr You should think about running it for president in 2020. If it's the car or Trump, its got my vote.

@Bendog It's half-eaten and I found it under a truck. A dog coughed it up. Yeah, I finished it.


If she was the nominee and was running against Trump, hell yes........


I'm still hoping she runs in 2020.


Yes I think I would have. I really like her.


Too soon. Michelle would have had the same problems that Hillary did. My basic take is that if you elect Hillary you have Bill back again. OK, elect Michelle and Barack is still here. Good person ands good choice but to soon to run and be elected, if she ever runs and can be elected. Now I'm hearing that Hillary might consider running again in 2020 because she "really would like to be president." No, Hillary don't. You got a bad shake but forget it now. It's over and you did not win. If you run in 2020 you just give us Trump for 4 more years.


Running and being nominated are two very different things.

gearl Level 8 Jan 30, 2019

Fuck yes


She certainly seems smarter than anyone running in the last provincial Quebec Election.


Yes, without hesitation.



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