I have seen, disturbingly, on here, FB, Twitter, et al, an increasing number of posts that state Very defeatist ideas about how WE should react to political events.
These posts say, "What's the use? All politics/politicians will never change, ignore it all"
This is exactly how we got Cheeto!!!!!!!!!
If you do not call your "representatives" with Your opinions (so easy, just program their # in your phone!) , perhaps donate to an organization fighting things in the courts, for example, and most importantly, Vote, you are, in fact, voting for Cheeto or someone worse.
Defeatism is the Enemy of you, me, and this country!
I ask anyone who spouts such crap if they voted...and then, what have they done to help in the process...You don't need that much time or money to hand out flyers, make calls, speak to friends and neighbors about what is important to your own community...go to town hall meetings...we are the luckiest people in the world to have this freedom...don't take it for granted or you will lose it.
It might be hard to stay positive, but the alternative of laying down and giving up is just not the American way...
We the American constituents have been taught that the politics is a passive shopping-like experience. Someone else creates choices to choose from, and we pick what we like (or dislike the least).
This has to change. It's not about simply going out to vote. It's about taking an active interest in one's own political/economical present and the future.
Your point is valid. It's really easy to point your finger and say, "What's the use"..... How hard is it to go out and vote?
Lol you called him Cheeto. It makes him sound like he is from the ghetto.
@Pralina1 I adore Randy Rainbow!
@AnneWimsey I've never found him randy though