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Eating late or eating early, what's best for losing weight?

michaelj 7 Feb 4

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Eat at times that maximizes your chances of a good night's sleep. Not too late as foods may contain compounds that act as stimulants, or simply cause heartburn. Not too early either as feeling hungry at bedtime may interfere with getting a good night's sleep.

My personal anecdote, what worked for me, was to not eat after 7 or 8 PM with an expectation of going to bed at 10:30 PM. Being rested helped me be more active, which combined with a decent diet helped me run the caloric deficit to lose the weight. My most recent caloric deficit diet was doing the low carb thing.

That's my story and your mileage may vary.


Early. Liver enzymes are less effective in the night


Eating early. You furn more calories in your waking hours. If you eat late a lot more converts to vat.


Follow intermittent fasting... Google it will change your life more than Jesus lol


In the end is bioavailable calories in minus out.
From my POV I can easly keep a diet if I don't eat musch when I am busy during the day and then eat most of my calories at the dinner (with a light meal before gym).
This way I feel good with a nice meal (and get full of food in the time when boredom can lead to over eat), and don't starve during the day.
Basically there are many strategies to control food intake, you need to find what suits you


Breakfast and lunch. Eat 90% of your daily calories by 2 pm and fast from 6 pm to 6 am (water only).


I think either will work, depending on what your doctor says, if you get a lot of exercise and eat healthy.

I try to structure when I eat around what activities I have planned. For example, if I'm running in the morning before breakfast, I eat late.

Ok, I have a medical background, and I don't know any doctors with a dietary background


Stick to an 8-hour window, more or less the same everyday, whenever suits your lifestyle. God for blood sugar control, your body a rest for 2/3 of the day.
Drink hot calorie-free beverages if hungry, the hunger will get way less after about 2 weeks, in an amazing fashion.


Eat early or eat light if late. Our bodies are the least active in our sleep so any unused carbs and proteins will most likely be turned into fat.

But if you’re really trying lose weight then cut out sodas if you’re drinking them, seriously reduce the amount of carbs and sugar.
They’re the original processed food and just exercise as much as you can. ??


I would have thought eating less is a better option.


I think you’ll find a lot of different approaches, which all work for people. Just pick one and try it. The important thing is to view dietary change as a lifestyle change, and avoid yo-yo dieting where you lose the weight only to put it back on again. It may be difficult to find an approach that suits you long-term. You may find you don’t need to eat as much as you thought...

Approaches which have worked for me in the past: Atkins diet, counting calories plus regular exercise in the gym, low-carb diets, intermittent fasting


I seem to have stumbled onto a mixture of the 2 that has worked for me this past year, since I can eat whenever I want. I used to graze all day plus eat 3 meals, but I've changed my eating habits a little.

I now put off my breakfast until later, usually just drinking water for an hour or two, so I end up with a late breakfast, or sometimes 2 small late breakfasts, meaning I can skip lunch totally. Then I have a small early dinner, and I'm still satisfied by bedtime, but if not, a small snack or a bit of leftover dinner does it for me. Trying to stick to smaller portions altogether and not snacking all day as I used to.

I don't wake up hungry, since my tummy doesn't get used to being full all night. This strategy worked for me last spring, along with a 30 minutes swim and a 75 minute bike ride or brisk walk.

I lost 10 pounds between May-October 2018 and stayed at that weight, until I lost 2 more pounds so far since January 2019. I'd like to lose 3 more for an even 15 pounds by May and stay there going forward. Then I'll post photos of the slimmer me! 🙂

That sounds a little intermittent fasting?

@vmedel I never thought about it that way. I'm not strict about it, but have just morphed into narrowing my meal window a couple of hours on each end, so I'm not going to bed stuffed from dinner as I used to.


Do not eat late!


See a doctor for advice.


It's eating early. There has been scientific research about this.


Eating early as it stimulates your metabolism - eating late does the exact opposite. An increased metabolism means better digestion of the food you eat.


Fasting. Go with your own schedule and doctor's recommendations

My son lost 45lbs in 2.5 months by fasting and only eating once a day. I lost 25 lbs. We incorporated1 hr. workout at the gym: 20 min, stationary bike, 20, min. treadmill, and 20 min. Eliptical. Now that he's lost that weight, he will be increasing his calories and protein intake to build upper body muscles and leg muscles.

We eat NLT 5pm for our first and only meal of the day. Workout once a day for 1 hour starting at 9:30pm.

Either/ Or: In the beginning...

1,300 cal/ day
40 grams of protein/ day
20 grams of sugar/ day

Grilled chicken, Banana, peanut butter coconut milk or fat-free yogurt smoothie, protein drink, wheat bread w/ peanut butter, boiled eggs, etc. Pretty much an Adkin's Diet.


Doesn't matter...all that matters is monitoring Calories In/Calories Out. If you eat less calories than you expend, you will lose weight - period! Eating earlier does have other benefits, like avoiding GERD and heartburn, but no difference otherwise.


Not eating? ?

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