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Presidential Goals

HippieChick58 9 Feb 7

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There seem to be two different trends going on!!!


I could be wrong, but l think I see a pattern here. I will have to study this further and get back to you. Interesting.


Ah, Reagan, how well I remember him. His 'economics' crippled my industry in 1980 and drove many of us into bankruptcy from which most never recovered. Our industry has operated on narrow margins for all its history and many of us did not have adequate funding to hold us over the deep and long dry spell his policies created. We watched as the Trickle Down SHTF.

What industry was that?

@bingst -- I designed and built custom yachts. All industries involving luxury items were hit, but the marine industry was the most sensitive.


That is a pattern.
Watching comedian Joe Rogan talk about the US voter going back and forth in extremes from a responsible leader to a WTF leader.


I'm starting to detect a pattern.


I would state Trump's goal a bit differently: To create a permanent system of oligarchic control within our country and throughout the world.




The GOP is consistent; unfortunately their policy is ruining our country.

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