Let’s have a conversation about empowering the disadvantaged Cartaginian kimyiditty. We, as Regressives, should coalesce in solidarity and tantrums in the streets for those victimized by gentrification and the violence of denial of their existence. We must stand for inclusive inclusion in the struggle against hate and hate speech from exclusionary Carthageophobic Bigots and Pachydermophobes directed at this tiny minority kimyiditty with the help of Russian oligarcs!
This is not who we are! We’re better than this in America! We say nice but confusing things and won’t tolerate intolerance of our chaotic dysphoria.
So I’m warning you ahead of time that this is a safe place for a conversation we control and I’m not going to allow inconsiderate, verbal violence to deny and/or marginalize the importance of exposure here. If you do, I'll verbally harm you and you'll be blocked!
All I got outta that rant was 'marginalize the importance of exposure here', you want to see dick pics?
You and the other agents of Putin, aren't going to be allowed to sexualize this issue as a dodge. Not here!
@Silver1wun Yo! I am not an agent for putin. What would be your solution to the corruption that is apparently so rampant in WA DC these days? I just see no reason to lose one's sense of humor.
@silverotter11 Solutions have no place in a conversation limited to chaos and misunderstanding. Are you some kind of subversive?
@Silver1wun Meanwhile, back on planet earth. Who is the actor in the photo accompaning your post? Just curious, can't place him.
@silverotter11 find him on youtube. 'Stinky/Abbott and Costello' He was hilarious and would fit right in with many groups today. (his character that is)
What does this even mean?? Pachydermophobes...fear of elephants???
What are you trying to say? Are you one of them? Some kind of Roman troll?
Fear of Republicans....you know.....the elephant vs the donkey
@Countrywoman I think you are trying to make a jackass out of Hannibal.
@Silver1wun Hannibal made a jackass out of those Romans.
@Countrywoman Be careful that your praise of Carthaginians isn't just veiled cultural misappropriation from a kimyiditty that has precious little identity left.