45 is going to declare a National Emergency to get the Wall built.
I'd say pick any news source as it's going to have an article on it.
I'm wondering if we will all be notified by cell phone?
Such a waste of time and effort to please his right winged cronies.
I want him to PROVE the ''emergency'' with FACTS! (Am I doomed to disappointment?)
@irascible Oh, dear! So, he has the power to spend all that money without the authorization from ANYONE in Congress? That's suspicious to me. Are there NO safeguards? I can't imagine the Democrats aren't frantically COMBING through the Constitution, looking for ways to veto him.
The media here all follow the same story , many at the very same time & order. Over 3,000 people died by hurricane Maria & there are few stories in depth. Alternate stations such as Vice, Al Jazzera, BBC, C-Span, & some Spanish language stations get me out of this American media bubble.