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Where do you think Man-baby will steal money from in his "National Emergency" to try to fund Humpty Trumpty's Wall?

mzbehavin 8 Feb 14

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Anywhere a man without a conscience can.


Puerto Rico Will get fucked over again by the pumpkin colored cheeto in charge


All projects in districts where he lost will be scrapped.


POS Mick Mulvaney says they have already found all they need. I'd say look out for will not be part of his so called state of emergency. Fuck Trump.


where ever it comes A) it won't be out of his pocket and B) he and cronies will try to make money off it


Puerto Rico doesn't need it.


I’m assuming it’ll be from the defense funding for which he has already claimed.

        maybe Social Security. they've taken $ millions so far over the years

I believe it is a great deal more than that.


He might think he can tap the military budget, but what I'm really hoping is
that he gets tied up in court through 2020.

I actually think that's the plan now anyway.
He knows he's not going to get jack from Pelosi, and the House is going to be
controlled by the democrats through then. He's never going to get what he wants to build the wall he wants.
He can save face and tell his idiot supporters that he "really tried" to keep his promise to them, but the courts, and those mean old, obstructionist, America-hating, immigrant-loving democrats, wouldn't let him.


He has already mentioned using disaster relief funds slated for Puerto Rico and California.

There's a possibility that he's been dissuaded from that particular "plan".
If he tries appropriating federal funds that have been earmarked to help rebuild Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas, that could cause him problems later. Sure, his base doesn't give a shit about Puerto Rico, BUT, he's got a lot of his supporters living in places like Florida and Texas, who are still recovering from hurricanes, who wouldn't take very kindly to him taking money away from them, to build his stupid wall.

Although, with this asshole, anything is possible. He really doesn't care about anyone but himself.

@KKGator and Sean hannity. He cares about Hannity a lot.

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