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We’re back!!!! And this time the superdelegates aren’t already paid for ?

48thRonin 8 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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It'll be rigged again with the Dems. Bernie won't stand a chance, even tho if he had been nominated last time or was this time, I think he would win the general...

Yeah trust me everyone that I’ve talked is seriously exited about the fact that he should get the nod in the first round at the convention but and I do mean BUT there’s a clause that if the candidate isn’t fully vested as a democrat that they could throw all of their votes out.

So he has to go in there with an overwhelming lead.
One that’s so big that if they were to do that it would clearly be them screwing the voters out for their own ambitions.

And there the party will dissolve. But let’s see shall we.


“They may have the money and power,”... “We have the people.”

cava Level 7 Feb 19, 2019

Just sent $27, it felt Great!

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