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I live in a city where there are nine women to every man. So why does many men find it difficult to find a partner. I have heard of women who pay for the mens drinks, and offer to take them home. I think men have it made today

Backslidden 6 Feb 20

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Maybe in your area, Back, but not that way in mine.


9:1!!!!!! F--- Me, where are you? Valhalla?


I’m obviously in the wrong city ???


So I just got off the phone with someone that lives in Vancouver and has for over 30 years.
I told him what your post says about women to men being a 9 to 1 ratio.

And this is what he said ????????
What the fuck ever!! It’s not that good at a gynecologist office!
And then he thanked me for the laugh and wanted to know why I was hanging out on websites with 13 year olds? ?

Actually I was talking about what someone told me, however there is a bar in the town I live in just outside of Vancouver, that does have more women attending than men. It is a rumour. I meet men all the time, and I'm a senior. However I live in a building with more women than men. I see men chasing them, but not able to catch them. it's a age thing.



Could you tell us where is this place?
I want go to there

So do I. Lol


not buying those stats at ALL. [] at worst there appear to be four men to every five women in canada, with variations by city, and that's for older folks; among the young there are still more men than women. it does vary by city but not by ANY means as you've stated. if it's hard for men to find partners, maybe it's because women tend to be more selective about with whom they have sex, whereas men tend to stop at "breathes, isn't fat."



The opposite of Alaska where men outnumber women and they say "the odds are good but the goods are odd"

I've been to Alaska and that is as true of statement ever uttered


The ease of finding a partner is much more complex than your sex. Your sex is a factor in a minuscule amount.

You are so correct. I spent more years than I wanted with a man who felt he needed to control my every move. His instructions went from how to wash dishes, to how to dress every day. He never did see how it bothered me, even though I tried to tell him often.


There may not be nine women to a man in Vancouver as is rumoured, but I bet there are many more women on this site than men.

We're glad to have you here.


At your age there may be 9 women to every man. Men's life expectancies are shorter than womens. I knew a man who was 85 when his wife died and he became very popular with the ladies.



Haha. 1:1 ratio m-f as of 2016. Nice try.


I can't believe that there are 9 women to every man in Vancouver. I was just there.

He just having a nightmare

@Norbert74 Laughing out loud.


Only really desperate women would do that. No respect for themselves.

From what I hear, they are desperate for a man. It's not me babe.


Women have a hard time, too! There is just no easy way or place to meet decent people any more, it seems.

I agree,finding a good man is rare,most are; Druggies,Alcoholics,or Abusers,with little of any self control. Many are victims of a bad divorce,or Widowers who have lost a wife due to life's cruelties;Vehicle accidents,Cancer,or Medical mistakes,who may think is it worth it go go into another relationship, and still have heartbreak.....


It has been my observation that many men do not want a "relationship" (eventual marriage), with women...a man's main concern is sex whereas a woman's seem to be a "relationship". If men are outnumbered by women, they (in my opinion), will date (have sex with), one after the another indefinitely. In other words, men vs. women want different things.

Men want sex,Women want love, and a lasting relationship,especially if kids will be in the mix. Stability,and a steady income for the family.


Nine women for every man in Vancouver?

That's the rumour. You have to go to bars to find them.


Evidence? I want to believe such a place exists


@Backslidden Yes, maybe in the bars and that works for me since I tend to live in one. Guess I should move east.


Where does all the men’s wented?


Where comes the sadistic statistic from? And Each one of us is distinct from another.
Of course in the old days your family arranged it all...
Now we choose. Now My particular life style, attitudes, is not near any manstream/human stream, so .....,so a Well-fitted-connection is as rare as winning a lottery...


Really? I want to move to Vancouver!


Well.......give me a choise of nine the time I've made up my mind

By the end of the night one of them would have talked you into going home with her. LOL.

@Backslidden weeeellllll. Maybe. ....okay you're you know me so well???


Sounds as if you may be misreading the figures. Many men find it hard to find a partner because they have unrealistic expectations about modern women.

So that's why I've been along since the 80's as far as a permanent relationship is concerned. I have been making friends with men however.

@Backslidden Friends of any persuasion are a good idea.

@CeliaVL I'm a women, women. Meaning I like women as friends however, I think we are amazing. Yeah things are changing, men don't have as much power as they once did, and it scares the he two sticks out of them. Younger women are not like my group when we were young.. Today women can approach men. In my day we waited for them to come to us. Just recently I realized that it is okay to reach out to men and say we are interested in a relationship.


Where in the hell is this place? Lol

so funny. Many Woman Place, USA. LOL.


I wish it normally partner !


Heh, I wish it wasn't hard to find a partner. While it may be easy to simply hook up, finding a true partner is hard because most don't know what they want. So they'll keep fishing. I myself know exactly what I want. Unfortunately, I've not found what I'm looking for. But I'll keep looking.

I say keep looking until you find what you have in mind. I'm a elderly women, I've tried a few. However, I won't give up until I get what I want, even if I only have a few years of happiness with him.


I just looked up Vancouver demographics . Single women to single men is virtually 1:1.

You probably didn't attend the bar my friend does.

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