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I am tired of the constant shaming [guilting] of the white, anglo saxon, male. [edit 14:30 CST I just feel like I am some kind of pig. I've read it, seen it enough times I'm beginning to believe it.]

kgoodyear 6 Feb 26

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As an old white guy, I don't take it personally usually. OTOH, some of the issues have made me more sensitized to things I was mostly oblivious about, like white privilege and #metoo.


I’ve never felt like any significant/reputable source ever wanted to make me feel undue guilt or display awareness of our history that I didn’t already have, so I don’t take it too personally when generalizations occur. I’m pretty tired of a lot of white nonsense myself so it’s easy for me to see why a person of color would be. Doesn’t mean that I personally have to accept the guilt for it all; just acknowledging it and not espousing the modern versions of these inequities is enough for starters. If statements about white people are hitting too close to home all you can do is mind your own house and correct whatever it is about yourself that you see that nugget of truth in. If you’ve dealt with your own shame and guilt no one can lay any extra on you.

For the most part no one is as militant about anything as they sound on the internet. Unless you’re actively being a racist, don’t take blanket statements too personally. If we feel singled out right now as white guys we would not have enjoyed being black in a small Deep South town in the last couple hundred years. I think we’ve still got it pretty good all things considered, no matter what anyone says about us. I’m not worried about a small fringe of people who hate white people growing large enough to start writing our laws and trying us in court. If they spent a couple hundred years doing that then we might start to have an idea of what real disenfranchisement is. White people are getting so nervous that we’re becoming minorities, to which I ask: why should I worry? Do minorities get treated poorly or something? 😉 I promise you the meager amount of flack we catch for being white is, outside of being rich, the best of all possible worlds that anyone has ever lived in; enjoy it!


I’ve had much more trouble with white American guys...and I’ve been all over the world. Egyptian and Greek men were especially polite and respectful.

Last week, I had a guy mansplaining how my vagina ‘should’ work! He just kept doubling down, too. ? It’s bullshit just like that, that is truly disgusting to women. Men who are overly aggressive, that’s disturbing too. No home teaching, I guess.

I know many nice men, who respect and believe women. That’s all it takes, really. If you know you are respectful, and believe that women know what they want/feel: then those descriptions don’t apply to you.

When a guy of any race behaves this way(like a pig, as you say) other guys need to shut that shit down and instruct. Women worldwide will appreciate it.


You aren't "wrong". It does seem a significant number of progressives seem to think all societies ills are produced and maintained by all old white guys. Perhaps what they need is some perspective. Here are some facts that might help;

  1. Less than 2% of the white population in the US ever owned slaves. All old white guys do not owe "reparation".
  2. When the women's right to vote amendment was passed, only men were voting on the matter.
  3. When the civil rights marches were going on, white folk were in the march with the blacks.
  4. What often passes as a "race war" is really "class warfare", it is true that POC are more quickly and easily singled out as disadvantaged, but they are not the only ones in the conflict. Don't forget "White Trash" is an unwelcome moniker of the menalin deprived.
  5. Racism won't stop until "us vs them" thinking stops. "Black History", "Black Power", "Black Pride" these are all us verses them thinking ... substitute the word "White" for "Black" and it is easier to see it for what it is in today's context. We all need to abandon us verse them thinking. When that happens there will be only Human History, People Power, and Pride in Humanity.

This helps


I'm not seeing it. But I live in a very white area (Massachusetts).


Only when they deserve it like those skin head marches.


Only racists. They are running amuck.

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