So has anyone else run into this?
I've met many an "atheist" who has technically turned their back on the notion of god, but seem to have merely substituted some other kind of Woo: Gaia worship, or mysticism, or paganism, or just some vague "spirituality" consisting of connecting with the Essential Whatness of the Universe, or something.
When I gave up god, I also gave up the idea of a supernatural world, of any description. But evidently others have not?
I think people need to belong to a herd of some type. We can belong to many herds, thought, political, sports, religion -- whatever. When one herd fails to fulfill some inner need, the person looks for another. Labels age group designations. I've met many people who call themselves one thing or another, but seem confused as to what that label entails.
not much, no. more often i run into nonatheists who think that as an atheist i would be more interesting if i were some sort of pagan, or who claim that they can tell i am "spiritual" because i try my best to be a good person, not to mention the occasional insister that atheism is itself a religion. i don't meet a lot of wooey atheists.
Well howdy! Please define "woo".
@Metahuman i am not sure what lucid dreaming is, but if it's what i THINK it is, i've DONE it, so i guess not. if i'm wrong about what it is, then i can't say one way or the other. are you going to give me a litany of things that you want to know the wooness of, one by one? that certainly would be tedious.
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
i adore sagan but in this case we diverge, at least in terms of vocabulary.
@genessa granted. Language is a problem. Language is symbolic abstract thinking, and thus is logic and the rest of reasoning. However, every living sentient being, I think, has a direct immediate apprehension of reality, that is far beyond language in terms of being able to express. One of my favorite examples, no matter how long I speak, I will never be able to convey to you the taste of chocolate. Language has its limitations, thus do logic and the rest. This is the whole point of Zen, for example.
One person’s wu is another person’s profound insight. If you are mired in materialism and scientism it is only because you are wearing a blindfold. Study the ideas of the founders of modern physics and you might change your outlook for the better.
Sir Arthur Eddington:
The universe is of the nature of a thought or sensation in a universal Mind... To put the conclusion crudely — the stuff of the world is mind-stuff.
We are no longer tempted to condemn the spiritual aspects of our nature as illusory because of their lack of concreteness.
The scientific answer is relevant so far as concerns the sense-impressions... For the rest the human spirit must turn to the unseen world to which it itself belongs.
Wu is real! []
Wei wu wei, lol
@Elganned Sounds like you think your opinion on the subject outranks those of Eugene Weigner, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Edwin Schrodinger, Arthur Eddington, Werner Karl Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Max Planck, John Wheeler, and many other geniuses of physics.
It’s not about the supernatural. It’s about the staggering implications of nature herself.
@WilliamFleming amen! Lol
@WilliamFleming why should any of us worry about how our opinion RANKS? if i should worry about how my opinions rank next to the known geniuses, assuming (incorrectly, by mere numbers) that i am not also a genius (albeit an unknown one), then i should have to give up having any opinions at all (and you also not being any of the people you mentioned, would also have to give up having any opinions at all -- including opinions about the people you mentioned and about those of us who respond here!) by the way, nature hasn't got implications. we may infer things from nature but nature isn't doing any implying. it also has no gender.
Who would you rather remove your appendix?
A. a guy that went to medical school, graduated, got his licence, and had 5 or ten years of practice behind him.
B. anybody else.
All opinions are not created equal. They don't get equal rights.
@genessa The implications are that there is something majorly overwhelming and inexplicable about our existence, about reality, about conscious awareness. The Implications are enormous. And if you don’t see that, if all you see is just a humdrum mechanistic nature, all explained by science through a materialistic philosophy. Then it is because you are wearing a blindfold.
@WilliamFleming sure, go ahead, make stuff up about me. i never said nor implied humdrum, and if you think i did, you're the one with the blindfold -- and if you DON'T think i did you're deliberately lying. is that too personal? yeah, that is how i respond when people get personal for no good reason. you don't know me and i don't want to know you. i'm through with you, not because we don't agree on an issue but because you have decided that i said what i never said, and you have decided that your delusion means something about me personally. there is no reason in this great, big, not-humdrum, inexplicable but woo-free universe that i should ever have to deal with you again.
Gods take many forms...those forms are varied to the needs of all the individuals who need to believe in something intangible...
i have. but i also believe in mother earth. not like it's a deity, but the fact that, the earth contributes to all life. the universe and the earth are the only reason we are here. also.... gets bored mid-sentence
As Alan Watts said, the only real philosophical question is whether or not to yourself. If there's no meaning, if life is purposeless, and mechanical then what's the point? Why do you continue?
I think it is human nature. Although on a rational level we know there is nothing out there, on an emotional level we (or a lot of people) want there to be something. I think it is part of what caused religion in the first place - the desire for meaning and purpose and explanations, even when they don't exist.I think you have to be quite strong to live totally without religion or similar beliefs.
Do you think, in the end, there is no Essential Whattness of the Universe, of any kind? Are you then a robot ? Please understand, I am not speaking of anything Supernatural. Spiritual yes. Spiritual, to me, is the word I use to describe the feeling of relationship between my individual self and all that is. There is nothing wooish about this. Nothing is more spiritual than matter. Your own consciousness, which you are directly aware of, is a miracle and a mystery. It's the same kind of awe that Carl Sagan talked about. Sounds like you got the skepticism down, now you need to figure out the wonder.
Great post sir! Thanks!
there is a lot of whatness. i am awed but not in the sense of wanting to worship anything, or in the sense of thinking there is something or someone in control. the sheer vastness of the universe is awesome, but i don't need to go all woowoo over it. i like learning about it. i don't like speculating about silly things like whether aliens seeded us or maybe we're swimming in some god's teardrop. why isn't the big ol' awesome universe awesome ENOUGH? why do we have to add extra whatness?
@genessa that's perfect! Thank you for illustrating the problem that I have here. Who said anything about worship, or someone being in control? Who said anything about aliens seating us or swimming in God's teardrop tear duct teardrop or whatever metaphor you want, why isn't enough? Well what's Evolution doing if not multiplying complexity? That's your why it isn't enough.
@Metahuman no, i am not telling you what you think, but i can tell you how well you read (not as well as could be) and i can tell you no more. i am tired of explaining and i have stopped caring whether you understand, especially if you can't bother to be sober while you presumably attempt to understand. you have no obligation to remain sober on my account, but i also have no obligation to try to explain things to people who are drunk. so that's it for me. think what you will. i do not care.
Guys, healing crystals really work and I wish you would respect my beliefs and buy them from me for just $87.99 per crystal. You need at least four to align your chakra, preferably more. Dont' forgot to browse the premium crystal collection, which work twice as good as a regular crystals for only $30 more!
nonsense. everyone knows that buying dislocated bridges is the ultimate cure for, well, name it and that cures it, and i have a bridge in arizona i'd like to sell everyone, over and over again (you wanna join forces? it might sell better encrusted with crystals!)
I run across almost no atheists that place any value in the supernatural.
In these pages I have run across a few theists that post woo assertions.