Judge tells ani-vaxxers to keep their kids home.
Just a side note for the Anti-vaxxers out there,
"Innumerable Scientific and Medical Studies conducted Worldwide have DETERMINED CONCLUSIVELY that vaccines DO NOT cause Autism or Autistic like symptoms to occur in children." - W.H.O. ( World Health Organisation.)
This is a clear public health issue. We all should be engaged in prevention. Yet, there are legitimate reasons to not vaccinate. And I am way for not injecting all at the same time. I think that is stupid.
(As a populationist, I think the anti-vaxxers are just another tool GAIA is using to get us to control our population. Either we do it, or it will be done to us. Both ways, we will experience medieval periods, of thousands of years, as our biology catches-up with our mental abilities.
For a little relief: Jeff Jefferies:
Simple solution to all those "sad" children. Their parents could get over themselves and have their kids vaccinated.
I have NO time for the excuses, feelings, or beliefs, of anti-vaxxers.
If there is a medically legitimate reason (documented by the kid's doctor) for not
getting vaccinated, fine. However, that child should still not be permitted to attend any school.
If it's just parents citing false reports of vaccines causing autism, or any other damned thing, they should lose custody.
They're too stupid to be a responsible parent.
I feel the same way about people indoctrinating their children into religion, too.
We lack space for all the children...?
@Freedompath We make space by eliminating 45 supporters!!!
I can see the reason to keep the for non-vaccinated children, from attending. But, as far back when my children were small, we had to get immunizations. And I can’t remember one adverse report about them! And I had 5 children, myself.
Selfish, uneducated and anti-social choices might have consequences.
Imagine that.
What happened to the religious concern for life? Apparently, they think their religious beliefs outweigh human life. This issue be one which will force people to decide, some religious 'rights' over their kids lives. Guess who will win. States (Washington is one) that is seriously looking to removing personal/religious exemptions to not getting vaccinated.
@irascible I don't understand why we keep having to crash before we make important decisions. Anyone could have seen this coming. Too damn much influence by the religious lobbyists.