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I picked up a new frying pan today and it has this note:

Caution: For safety, please keep pet birds out of the kitchen. Birds respiratory systems are sensitive to many kinds of household fumes, including the fumes from extremely overheated nonstick pans.

I'm guessing this is like the canary in the coal mine -- are we just slowly killing ourselves with our everyday nonstick pans?

jerry99 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I haven't used them for a couple years now.


I have never used non-stick fry pans, only stainless steel or cast iron. Return it.


Cast iron. Treat them properly and not even birds will stick to them. Plus, you can clean them with chainmail for that midevil flair.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 23, 2019

Thanks, I have a couple of those but use them rarely due to heaviness and inconvenience. I know -- I'm one lazy SOB!

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