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I need your help to pull an April Fool’s prank on my colleagues!
I work in a recycling sorting plant and I want to make a poster announcing the arrival of a new type of plastic, plastic number 41! (4-1, 4th month, 1st day) A plastic that would be used to pack some absurd or wacky fictional products such as navel jewelry polish, left handed transmission oil or liquid paper for cellphones. Of course, as a final punch, plastic number 41 would also be used to pack April Fool's Oil.
Would you folks have any ideas of absurd or wacky fictional products in liquid, paste, powder, aerosol, etc. that would be sold in containers made with plastic number 41? #AprilFools

QuidamOutrepont 8 Mar 26

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Sock polish?
Invisible ink eraser?
Four leaf clover seeds?

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