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Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt? In order to get points you must like a post, place a post, comment on a post or add a photo. I may get kicked out ... but if I freed myself from any religion... then so be it! I feel like I’m being manipulate to do something. Like when an animal gets rewarded for doing something the master wants ... just my thoughts people

latinstingray 4 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Your analogy is completely wrong; the site doesn't emulate a religion or a govt, I don't even know where you got that, it emulates a game. In a videogame, you get points for interacting (playing) in the game. The more you play, the more points you get and the higher you progress. I think it's a good strategy.

So, yes, it's just you.

Yeah I gusss that’s another way to put it!


it's just you. what do you need the points for? no one is forcing you to strive for them. indeed, they're not even something for which to strive. they're just a way to cut back on trolls by making it harder for those who don't want to participate to infiltrate. there is no master. if you feel like an animal, look inward, not at the site. no one is manipulating anyone or treating anyone like an animal here. geez, you may as well complain that you can't reach as high when you're three as when you're four. it must be a PLOT. if you don't want to participate, why are you even here?


@Naejidlopalev thank you! i have changed slightly since it was taken....



By all means, remove yourself from anything that makes you feel uncomfprtable. This is a voluntary group of people.


You are already "rewarded" by being here. There is not need to do anything you don't want. Nobody is going to be mean to you or say anything bad. If you want to post do so, if you like something or not you can say so or not. Nobody is making you and nobody is going to worry you about if you don't. It is up to you.


I want free beer.

I hate beer. Make mine Scotch.

I'll have wine please, no bread need be included.


Did anyone show up at your door twisting your arm to do anything at all?


You are not being forced to participate. No one is.
Some people are into the accumulation of points, others are not.
People participate at the level they are comfortable with.
If you feel like you are being "manipulated", that's you.
Stay, go, the choice is yours.

Just as an fyi, when one is a new member, and makes posts criticizing the site
when they've only been on it for like 5 minutes, don't expect a whole lot of support.

That said, welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Well put ?


If you don't like it....the door is to your left. Don't let it hit you on the ass on your way out.


Like Bush said .. “read my lips”.. I never said I didn’t like it ... but again someone like u can’t read between the lines !

@latinstingray someone like me? You mean someone who doesn’t whine and see conspiracies around every corner then.

@SkotlandSkye you took as it whine ... others took it as a comment. I guess to each it’s own... try to have a good life!

@latinstingray I have a great life, thanks. You might want to reread the other comments. I think you missed a lot in what others wrote.


If you're here for the points, then yea, I guess so. If you're here to interact and just chillaxe, then points don't matter - so your argument is moot. Do you think the creators of the site made it without some type of incentive for people to engage? Don't you think they want the site to be active and engaging?

You make absolutely sense! Thanks


You are welcome to start any new threads with topics of your choosing. You’re overthinking it.


I honestly don't care about points. I just like this site because there are no prayer warriors, quotes from some misinterpreted tome, videos of blowhards, etc. And nobody gives a shit. Lol

  1. Because other sites like FB are free and you get such Great commentary there??
    Because you hate paying for those points (lol!)?
  2. Because you prefer to sit on your dead ass and contribute Nothing
  3. Because you care deeply about accumulating points? Why, exactly?
  4. Because you like to whine about Nothing, and throw in some unconstructive, silly criticism too?
    What exactly is your problem? And could you take it elsewhere?

I can see what kind of life you lived! ?

@latinstingray oooohhh, I feel wounded.......

@AnneWimsey I bet you do!

@latinstingray that was sarcasm, you fool......I have survived 2 horrific marriages, for a total of almost 40 years. Rose to supervisor of over 40 men after becoming the first woman to work in the actual shipyard, (building nuclear submarines for)13 years....seeing/hearing 20,000 men when they thought no woman was present on a daily basis. To compare you to a mosquito would be 1,000,000% inflation of the irritation factor you represent.......

@AnneWimsey thanks for proving my point... I guess who’s the fool now? Try to have a good life!


I'm not sure you understand how religion works.


It becomes an addiction.. leave while you still can!


But how exactly are you being manipulated to acting? Is anyone forcing you to comment or like posts? Or, rather, is it that you actually seek and crave said points and are feeling down about the way you need to get said points? Some introspection would be good on your end. @latinstingray



There isn’t any punishment for not getting points. You can do what you want. If it’s community then we have that, if it is chatting you want you can do that.
Personally I don’t pay any attention to the levels.


So, you want to be here, but you don't want to interact or provide anything so others can get to know you better? That's creepy as fuck in an NSA sort of way. Good thing we have those safeguards in place, then. That, and they are great for making it easy to spot scammers who try to put the least amount of effort into their time here on any individual account so they can focus on "live" marks...


it's you, you don't have to do anything you don't want to in this site, you can just hover and observe if that's your thing.


Go somewhere else. It's that simple. This is a no whine zone.




Just ignore them if you don't like them.

That's what I did....


Points are pointless! Just relax and have a good time. If you feel like posting, fine. If not, that's fine too. If you just want the t-shirt, cough up a few bucks and buy it or head over to Goodwill and get one for a few pennies.


All us bad atheists can meet for a drink in town and have some fun for a change

Heck yes!


They're trying to encourage participation...but if you don't want to participate, then don't worry about the points

I hear ya Floridacyclist... but for once would like to be in an app where there’s no point system in order to access a next level. We all joined this app for the same reasons we all saw futher than we were taught as children and got tired of believing of a higher deity and we want to meet people with the same beliefs. I think that should be enough to want to participate in this app.

They all have different ways of getting something out of you in return for allowing you more access, most apps just charge you money

@Floridacyclist good point ... thanks for your comment!

I kind of like how this one is , instead of getting more out of you for more access they get things out of you that increase the enjoyability of the website for everybody... Including yourself


Patterns can be determined by these things if you do it long enough. With enough members you can sell their likes and dislikes to groups who want to sell them products and you will get rich. It's like in the bible where god was always saying not to number the people but somebody was always numbering the people.

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