Donald Trump is the most nauseating whiner-bully-loser I have ever even heard of. If anyone even disagrees with him in a significant way, he whines, then lashes out and does his utmost to demean, hurt, or destroy the perpetrator. He has nothing to offer our people and nation that really benefits us. But, he understands Huey Long's old political strategy< "Every once in a while you got to stir up people's bowels and let 'em know they are alive"
That is the only thing Trump knows how to do adroitly, but crudely. He offers insecure people a witch's brew of racism, fear, hatred, and xenophobia and fills their bowels with it. Their rush of anger makes them feel a mistaken sense of power.
The fact is that Trump is an incompetent, whining lower who has nothing real to offer our people and nation. Knowing that, his only way to competing is to attempt to demean, damage, and destroy anyone who offers any competition of any sort. He is a characterless greedy sociopathic bastard. We MUST expose him at every turn and completely defeat him.
Trump is destroying our democracy. Any one with a brain knows that. But some people are more concerned about their wallets than their country.
We have a lying bully traitor for a president and some people think that is fine as long as he doesn’t take their money.
For all of you that think trump is a great president, you are selfish a**holes who are stuck.
The kind of person you would Never voluntarily interact with, for sure!
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I don't have a newsletter. I just post my opinions when I feel like it. Thanks.
Lowest, black, hispanic, womens unemployment in history - more people working than ever in history - and you call Trump incompetent?? are you stupid or something?
You can kiss my ___ on your insults. You insult because you can't do any better. Trump is not responsible for the job gains. He is the beneficiary of a trend started years before under Obama. Are you so stupid that you can't recognize that?