22 8

I cannot comprehend the amount of bigotry and intolerance I see among my fellow atheists sometimes.

You would think a group of people who constantly experience religious persecution, attacks, disrespect, judgement, harassment, and blatant hatred at the hands of others for their religious beliefs would be more understanding towards others experiencing the same thing.

How can you sit there and demand respect and religious freedom and then turn around and persecute another groups religion and treat them just as badly if not worse as we get treated?

I can understand having prejudice against the religious. I have been beaten and abused by christians. However just like in all aspects of life there are good and bad people in every religion. There are extremists and kind. In EVERY religion and it is NOT okay to spread hatred and bigotry to an entire group of people just because you have met some bad ones. I've met bad Christian's, I've met good ones. I've met bad atheists, and good ones. I've met bad muslims and good, and every other type of human being out there there are good and bad. It is not okay to hold an entire people responsible for the actions of a few extremists. At all.

The hypocrisy in it is disgusting and atheists like that make me absolutely livid.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Once an asshole, always an asshole, sadly.....


it's been on my mind a long time. just as much hypocrisy in the non-believer community as in the Believer community.

@OwlInASack I got no idea who that is or what they're talking about.


I agree with you for the most part. Like many have mentioned, though we commonly identify as atheists or agnostics, we are indeed a diverse bunch in other aspects. I've seen many instances of prejudice and judgement. I've encountered close-minded and backwards thinking (at least the way I view it).

Myself, since I joined this site, I've become more and more anti-theist, not just atheist. That said, although I may have a negative view of religions, that doesn't mean that I am necessarily personally against the individuals who subscribe to these religions. As long as their actions don't harm others, I really don't care what they believe. I might be annoyed (like when someone says "god bless you", ughhhh), but whatever, I just let it go. Many religions teach love and acceptance, but some followers focus on hate and intolerance. I still would not hold it against everyone who follows that religion. I have some great Christian friends and some great Muslim friends who selflessly focus their lives on helping others without pushing their beliefs on others or trying to take away others' rights. We just never discuss religion. Then the other day, I read the comments on FB on a post about punishing gay sex by stoning, and I was horrified at the amount of support and praise for this hideous law, stating religious reasons. Disgusting!!!

I'm always told that I should accept or tolerate other people's beliefs and choices because I would want my beliefs and choices accepted or tolerated. Ummmmm, nope. I refuse to accept or tolerate other people's choices and beliefs that harm others directly or indirectly. And I never ask anyone to accept or tolerate my beliefs and choices. I do not care what they think or how they evaluate me. Still, I don't attack people I disagree with. I give them logical reasoning and fact supported arguments. Then again, it's sometimes useless to debate with believers (and yes, I had a 3 hour debate with my believer father about god that went nowhere).

I will always be the first to call out the religious when their beliefs start negatively affecting the lives of others. There is a difference in respecting someone else's beliefs and respecting someone else's hatred. I will also be the first to call out atheists whose beliefs are to negatively affect the lives of others.

There are good Christian's and muslims out there, and we should not spew hatred and hostility at all of them for the actions of their less kind brethren


There is nothing special about being an atheist, other than one is fortunate enough not to be trapped by religious beliefs. We are just as foolish, unreasonable and judgmental as the theists.

Hi Ken,

I suppose there isn't anything special about us as a group, but surely we need attempt lead a better life than the bigoted and blind religious whose lives and actions we abhor? Do we really shrug our shoulders and say "naah, I'm just as bad as the religious?" This may be the exact issue the poster is raising.

Not taking a swipe at you, just an observation.

@Corden I think that is simply a difference between an expectation and an aspiration. Sure, we SHOULD all strive to live a better life, but surely you would not argue that the religious get a free pass just because they are not as "enlightened" as we are. I think that it is a bit arrogant for us (atheists, agnostics) to believe that we somehow have superior moral standing than the rest. We are simply devoid of a particular type of disease. It doesn't mean we are disease free. We all have failings. I meant simply as a reason why we should be forgiving to each other.


It's amazing, I forget how horrible people are. Heres a recent example How to sell a massacre: NRA's playbook, revealed for a fun snippet.


Call it out when you see it.


Be nice. It’s not difficult or complex.


Well - I would like to see examples.

I've seen comments about the correlation between religion and persecution - which would certainly be PERCEIVED as aggressive by the religious folks so commented on - but which I would claim not to be hateful themselves, just accurate.

I've seen comments about religiously-inspired moral judgementalism and bigotry - which, basically, I would also claim to have just been accurate.

So if the OP can provide examples, please provide them.

Like I said to someone else who asked for examples:

I've seen a lot of extremely anti-Muslim rants on here lately, one from a British non-Muslim just tonight and a few from other members whom I can't recall off the top of my head.

But I've also seen some really hateful rhetoric against christians too. None that I can cite directly atm because it's only occasionally and most of the time I've blocked them immediately.

But to pretend like it doesn't happen just because I can't directly tag you in them is no different than christians denying abuse at their hands exists. If you haven't seen it yourself it's because you don't want to

@LadyAlyxandrea No - it's because I haven't seen it, and I would like to see it in order to be able to make my own assessment of the problem.

Just saying 'It's there - but no, I can't back up my words with actual examples or evidence,' is like the religious individual who declares god exists, despite not demonstrating it, and that anyone who questions that statement for the lack of evidence is, themselves, at fault.

We're back to Russell's teapot and Sam Harris's dragon in the garage - make an assertion, and it's down to the maker of that assertion to provide the evidence to back it up.

@ToakReon the derision of the religious as a whole is so common on here. if you haven't seen it you haven't been paying attention.

@ToakReon I've seen some pretty fierce all-muslims-are-evil bullshit on here, too. Unfortunately/fortunately a lot of this content gets pulled, so it's a little hard to prove.

Well - perhaps I've just tended to hit the 'idiot - just ignore' mental button.

Yes, there are idiots among atheists and agnostics, just as there are in every other sizeable population.

They are a minority - you either tell them they're an idiot, or you just don't waste your time with them.

@OwlInASack especially after what happened in Christchurch.


I agree with you. The only person I hate is a clown. Ever since our last election I've had a big fear of clowns.


I don't automatically dislike members of any group. Some, however, make it exceptionally easy to dislike them personally, and bring discredit to whomever they claim to represent. Also, I'll just leave this right here as a gentle reminder of why many have animosity toward a mostly abusive religion:


I have seen it as well. I don't engage but sometimes feel like I should.

@OwlInASack I agree. But I have found that once I do that the conversation gets ugly and I can't have that in my life right now. On the other hand, in person, I will definitely call it out. Just insane.


It'd be neat if you cited an example of what you're talking about, especially if it is on this site.

I've seen a lot of extremely anti-Muslim rants on here lately, one from a British non-Muslim just tonight and a few from other members whom I can't recall off the top of my head.

But I've also seen some really hateful rhetoric against christians too. None that I can cite directly atm because it's only occasionally and most of the time I've blocked them immediately.

There is a lot of it on this site and it’s not just religious either.


You cannot persecute an idea or a belief system. Regardless of what you believe that belief does not deserve sacred immunity from criticism. I oppose bigotry and discrimination against human beings, but I don't think coddling fairytales is necessary to do that.

Here's something that I just came across on YouTube.

JimG Level 8 Apr 5, 2019

This has been a good post for weeding out the members I do not wish to associate with.


How can you sit there and demand respect and religious freedom and then turn around and persecute another groups religion and treat them just as badly if not worse as we get treated?

I don't know what you are referring to.

Can you be specific please.


I couldn't agree more. One of my core beliefs is "don't be an Asshole" life is to short for that drama.


Everybody is looking for a single incident that sets people off. Sadly, it is the accumulation that something is bad, wrong or otherwise. I was asked to go to a trump rally that was held at the Melbourne, FL airport during the election. I've been shot at and blown up and I was never as scared as in the airport hanger. The level of hate, bigotry and just plain ignorance was the worst I have ever been exposed to. Now, I see that same level of hate and bigotry on a daily level and that some atheists show it is not surprising. We as a group are not monolithic, we are people who see no use in religion, doesn't change the underlying fears and prejudice's that society has drilled into us!

BillF Level 7 Mar 30, 2019

I don't disagree with anything you said, but what was it specifically that set you off? That kind of diatribe cries out for citation of particular incident(s), especially since the behavior to which you refer is, on the whole, anomalous. Free thinkers tend to be rather even-handed, logical, and incisive. Atheists and agnostics tend NOT to be demagogues.

It is not one incident it is the accumulation of seeing hateful disgusting tangents almost every day

What I am seeing is a general lack of civility that cuts across all demographics. I think that even people who despise Trump are unconsciously taking cues from him.

There are also trolls that infiltrate our ranks to stir up trouble. Don't underestimate them. They are implacable and well-funded.


Well said...


I agree with everything in your post. I try to get along with everyone and show kindness. Even I don't agree with someone. Showing kindness might help me to change a religious persons mind and help become an Atheist.


It's one thing to read a person's personal, subjective opinion about an issue they are dealing with and without spending the minimal amount of energy it takes to consult google about why perhaps this person may feel the way they feel, just assume a simple minded, zero complexity intent to that person. It's a whole other thing to realize, that in fact, while you may be the smartest person in your bedroom, all 7 billion people on the planet live just as complex lives as you, have similarly deep, perhaps in one or two cases, deeper thoughts than you, and in possibly in rarer cases, have dismounted their high horses in order to have open dialogue, in order to actually achieve goals, rather than name calling, with negative effort to search out facts, and ultimately achieve compromise, if not understanding. For example, I don't expect you to be aware of this, but due to muslim immigration, Sweden now has the highest rates of both sexual assault, and rape in the world. It can be demonstrated that there is a 1:1 correlation between Muslim immigration and specifically child rape, as Finland has allowed precisely 1/3 the amount of Muslim immigrants, and has precisely 1/3 the amount of child rape as Sweden. There are many multiples of correlations along these lines. There are countless examples of this type of corrosion of societies where mass muslim immigration is allowed, and if pressed, I'll be more than happy to indulge. So before we get all huffy and puffy and attribute false motives based off an emotional whim, perhaps, ask questions, learn, and stop assuming your the only one in the room with a conscience, much less deep ethical thoughts.

you are exactly the racist, hateful, propaganda-spewing person this is about. Congratulations on being everything we, as atheists, hate

@LadyAlyxandrea what an incredibly iron clad argument. I don't like what you say, facts are irrelevant, and oh by the way you're a racist. Well how convenient for you, you say literally nothing, refute precisely zero of my points, then name call and feel like the moral champion of all Muslims across the globe while simultaneously doing nothing at all help anyone, at any time, ever. Your own hatred of ideas, and hatred of yourself is only matched by your incredible hypocrisy, as you claim champion diversity while simultaneously rejecting any and all intellectual diversity. Pretending you care about the poor and down trodden becomes drowned out by the white noise of the strong and hungry economic immigrants posing as refugees as they brutalize and rape your fellow sisters. And you in all your virtuous and unearned pride sit there calling me a racist, pretending like you've done your part right the wrongs 8n the world. You are the literal definition of pathetic. You are a weasel. You have no original ideas. You have no intellectual prowess. Every single word you speak and type is a mindless parroting of those things you are told to say to anyone who opposes your simple minded thoughts. You do not speak for the atheist community, by the way. You speak for yourself. Perhaps try thinking for yourself every once in a while.

@OwlInASack being a beta suits you well, never change.


Atheists aren’t bigots. Bigots share a common sense of identity that sets the boundaries along which they themselves and the targets of their bigotry are defined. But your comment illustrates that we’re not a solid block of people formed around a common understanding of our identity as atheists. In other words, your comment illustrates that an atheist can perfectly well criticize other atheists’ and call them “bigots.” The reason for this is that aside from ditching god from the things we consider to be real, we share nothing else. It’s perfectly possible to be an atheist and a social justice warrior or an atheist and a MAGA supporter, and the former believe that at least some of the latter are loathsome bigots with punchable faces, as one prominent commenter said in regards to Nick Sandmann. On the other hand, even the mildest MAGA fans berate “liberal Hollywood” and the strongarm tactics of Antifa.

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