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What are some social etiquette rules everyone should know and follow?

Redcupcoffee 7 Mar 5

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Don't fart on a crowded train..

@josh_karpf lololol


Dont talk with your mouthful!


Don't talk on your cellphone when at the register.

Absolutely! Or in an elevator with others.

Totally agree. I work in retail and this drives me nuts.


Using please and thank you, and acknowledgement of anyone who goes out of their way for you


Don't chew with your mouth open. Ugh! That's the worst.


Flush the freakin' toilet!

And check to make sure hairs (from head or pubic area) didn't escape and land on the toilet rim!


Always walk to your right. I find myself crashing in to people more often than before. Does anyone even know this rule anymore?

No, I don't think they do

I've tried to adhere to this all over Europe. People walk wherever. No rules as to which side appear to exist.


Dot your T's and cross your eyes.

godef Level 7 Mar 5, 2018

don't forget the lower case j's

@RobH86 Do I have any jays?


When you are third in line behind the person getting checked out at the register - If a second register opens, let the person in front of you in line have first chance to move to the newly opened register, Don't just go rushing over there.


leave the toilet how you found it

Even if it's unflushed?!?

actually, you have a point. if it's unflushed it's disgusting and if it's messy. let me rephrase, don't leave a dirty toilet it's disgusting.

  1. the Lord loves a workin' man
  2. don't trust whitey
  3. see a Dr. and get rid of it

just don't let anyone show you their special purpose


My mother went to ‘finishing school’ in Monterey Bay, CA. Something she taught me that I will forever be greatfull for is how to descend a stair properly. You shouldn’t make any noise, (herd of elephants) but let your toes/ball of your feet land first, then your heel after, so you are using the muscles in your feet to control your descent, like a lady! I used to room with a girl that did the elephant thing, totally unaware, and I always cringed inside. I would never be so rude as to point it out though. She was the type that would have done it louder, just to bug me. Lol!

I've been trying to master that for literally decades. To the point where I just go down flights of stairs entirely on my toes because I'm too clumsy to manage that ball-heel thing despite also attempting to learn tap dancing.

I go up and down stairs 20 times a day. Guess what I feel I must try tomorrow?


chew with your mouth closed!!


Return anything borrowed cleaner than when you took possession.


Noisy eating (lip smacking, slurping, chewing with your mouth open), and other table manners (take your hat off, holding cutlery properly).


How about be nice and be honest?


Don't send pics of your ... anything if you don't know the person in real life, and then only when requested (and maybe not even then).


Never introduce a person to a friend / relative unless you know the person's name.
IAW: never say "Hi, this is Nancy's sister / friend / college...."
The correct way is "Hi, let me introduce Sally, She is Bob's brother / friend....."


Wash your hands after you use the toilet. Don't pick your nose in public. Please, no farting in closed public spaces. Leave places looking better than when you found them. Let the person behind you go ahead if they've only one or two items to your twelve. Clean up and dispose of your dog's poop. Be polite to service people, ie. restaurants, retail, and customer service staff. Don't allow your dog to jump on people. Teach your children to behave respectfully in public.

SamL Level 7 Mar 5, 2018

I would say, put the phone away when talking with friends.
Put the phone down when standing in front of a customer service representative.
Don’t be texting one friend while talking to another.
When you go out drinking, disable messaging, chat, and all but emergency dialing.
You bring the phone into the movie theater, we get to dunk it in your drink.
Your ringtone is obnoxious, turn it down.
If you can’t stop butt-dialing, then you need to stop drinking.

I hate to be the 'whatabout' person, but I'm hard of hearing and absolutely have to have my ringtone at full volume, otherwise I take a look at my phone and find fifteen missed calls and twenty 'why don't you pick up?' messages, as well as a dozen voice mails from people in offices that are now shut for the day.

On the other hand, I obsessively turn off my ringer at the cinema.

I put my phone on vibrate when I'm in public, which means that when it rings I make these crazy contortions because it scares the pants off me. I imagine that if there were pictures they would be super funny... Who knows, maybe there are pictures. 😉


Chew with your mouth closed. Cover your cough. Sneeze into your elbow. Don't wear backpacks in crowded areas. Chew with your mouth closed.


(Can you tell this drives me absolutely bonkers?)


Don't be a dick covers most things.

Indeed it does ... unless your name is Richard!


If you must take your kids out in public, keep them behaved and under control and supervised. Don't let them run wild or bother other people. Also, use your freaking turn signal!


It is certainly better to let the woman be the boss and listen more to them than trying to act cocky or "macho"
with the women ...regardless if you are straight, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and etc. The gals in Scandinavia
would eat you up and spit out the bones ... if you would act that way! Just be considerate everybody with respect!

LOL! I am half Swedish and I can attest that this is true!! True DAT! LOL!


Though there are many, and I agree with much of what has already been said, most of my manners pet peeves have to do with table manners. My mom was very strict about this, and I'm actually glad.

I wish all people, would do their very best to make sure belches, burps, chewing, breathing, sighing, swallowing and any other non-talking noises emanating from the mouth are as close to silent as possible. When one intentionally belches where everybody can hear it, the following "'Cuse me" is just annoying.

Keep elbows off table when eating with others.

Keep napkin in lap and use it when needed.

Please for ANY request, and thank you for ANY kind action shown.

Keep fingers out of plates and off food that is NOT finger-food! Many Louisianians people are soooo different than what I'm used to. So often fingers are used to push food onto fork, rather than a knife, or bread.

Stay at the table long enough that it doesn't seem rude that you've left while others are still eating.

My daughter, raised by ME, with all those ideas above, is now (as an adult) a pretty frequent violator of many of those when she's not trying to impress anybody.

Yes, I'm peculiar.

You mean the dinner table scene in the Nutty Professor is not an instructional video?!?!


I think social etiquette is a double edged is the cause of a lot of prejudice, but at the same time, learning someone elses systems shows you are interested. Great for diplomacy, bad for general usage. So none and all. Man, I am so agnostic it is disgusting.

@heffenwoozle That is what I mean. Eating is the need, the rest of it is 'table dressing'. Constructs we have designed, some for health, most for separation of classes. Your reaction is because of your conditioning, as is all of ours. And that is what Etiquette is...conditioning.

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