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I really don't get it.... How some people can believe they are better than everyone else around them from being born into the "right" religious cult or with the "right" color skin... After all face facts if that is all you have to be proud of you have real problems and all of them are of your own making...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Apr 15

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It is tribalism -- we are still flinging our feces at each other because we're different tribes. Man is still very childish.


Same reason why people proclaim America's the best country in the world. It's easy to do as long as you don't focus on yourself.

Buxx Level 7 Apr 16, 2019

More like the worst country except all the others.

@Antidronefreeman You mean Klandkapped?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz One of the best explanations to that question I've heard.

Best is subjective unless we agree on methodology of scoring

@Biosteelman How about reality?.... When Poland scores higher in education than the US does especially science education I think we can safely say we are no longer the greatest country in the world... When some third world countries score higher in medical care for their citizens than we do we are no longer the greatest country in the world.... When we elect a president who behaves like a 3 year old psychotic and wants to make major cuts to those programs, and destroy our already failing economy for personal profit we are not even close to being the greatest country in the world...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Thats completely subjective because you're assuming that science education determines if you are a great or best country, you assume medical care for citizens is a factor, and the final assumption that Cheeto makes us not a great country.

Great/Best Country is a subjective term unless we agree on definitions of what makes a country great.
#1 Country in the World leading important discoveries by both # of patents and Nobel Peace Prizes in Sciences
#1 Country in the World of top Hospitals, Medical Research, and Medical patents
Cheeto First US president in my lifetime to not put us into any more wars
#1 Country in the World in Fortune 500 companies
#1 Country in creating more millionaires and billionaires, immigrants are 3X more likely to become a millionaire than natives btw

Do I think we are the greatest? No. But Do I understand the difference between subjectivity and objectivity yup.
I don't think there is a greatest country because as individuals we all have preferences of what we want a country to be.

@Biosteelman The past is the past.... History is filled with collapsed empires worldwide that were once "great" but today where are they?.... In India alone there were more than a thousand great empires and today it is pure and simply a place were people shit in the streets...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The United States is far from a failed Empire. Try again. Most everything I listed were current. Like patents and discoveries.
Let's look really current
first picture of a black hole. Kate Bouman.
Lithium Ion battery and the next gen Glass battery John Goodenough.

@Biosteelman Not so far as you might think... Now that Trump is in the Whitehouse we are closer than ever before... Look at where Lithium Ion batteries are made since you used that example... Also you might want to look at Graphene super capacitors and the computer you are using....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I only mentioned the lithium because of glass batteries that have 4x the capacity in half the weight.
Where stuff is made is moot.

@Biosteelman Tell that to Spain and Portugal...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz ok. You do understand that the US has the largest GDP in the world. We sell more services and make more products than the next two largest economies.

@Biosteelman Which tells me you are an idiot studying to be a moron who is failing the course miserably... The GDP of the US has dropped under Trump from 21 trillion to 18.57 trillion....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz my statement stands as correct. If all you have left is to name call because your position is weak so be it.
China 12 Trillion, Japan 5 trillion I'm rounding because it doesn't matter


@Biosteelman As does my statement.... an economy in decline that will be nearly 7 Trillion deeper in debt by the end of this year with a huge reduction in revenue is doomed to collapse.... But they don't teach you that in Kindergarten do they?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz look at column 3 shows actual growth rate. No decline. Yes there is bad deficit spending but that is not projected to be completely out of whack until 2030.
So whatever crazy stuff you want to say I back my shit with facts and data you work on feelings


Because human beings are dumber than dogshit.


I was raised while growing up, that it didnt matter if a person was black, brown or yellow or gay, I judge people by their heart, i try to treat everyone equal, I have always felt the Love counters all. I have never had to fight, but being an ex Air Force man i can protect myself and my family( I was in the cold war at the time, no fighting. As I am about to turn 78 I realize that through love i have creative a peace loving life, but i am also a realist, and know that in this world, they are many devious, and cruel and rotten people in this world. I have talked myself out of a lot of serious situations, be defusing the argument, and not agitating the person even more. There are a lot of paranoid people in this world, so i surround my self with kind, loving compassionate people. My friends that I made throughout my life are as the saying goes..."Birds of a feather flock together.


Modesty is not inborn, it must be learned and cultivated. Also superiority complex is a hallmark of people who are brainwashed, easily follow others and are not freethinkers. Freethinkers understand humanity, the value of other humans and their place in the world.

Like it has been said... Ignorance is the mother of all evil. It starts as small vices first.


Wondered the same thing. Just do not get it. Here in eastern WA I keep encountering white men in pickup trucks that truly believe they are superior to everyone else.


The problem with the people of the whole world is that everyone is jealous. You can see this in every group at every level. Groups with higher income than you are jealous of groups higher on the chain than they are. To manipulate and cause trouble whether to excite or control or both, all you have to do is stir up things in a particular group. Trump does this all the time. The lower groups have religion and Klansmen. Whether you belong to the Klan or not you know that you have to be better than that other guy with a darker color. You think history proves it because his race was once your slave. You are pissed that you no longer have slaves to do your work and you start to make up stories. In fact, your ancestry had a pure white race. You are too stupid to see that there never was such a thing, but you know about pedigrees and you have bred horses and dogs.

I know some who don't think I should have a place to live. Jesus Christ, I live in a mobile home and they are broke on Wednesday and still live with Mommy. Some for the second or third time.


When I look at that photo of those fools in their sheets and uniforms, it really does smack of Forrest Gump's saying, " Stupid is as stupid does"..


Manipulation of the ego has always been very effective. People never want to feel like their bad luck is there fault. When it's obvious to a person that they are not special they readily accept the race issue so that they can hold on to some Glimmer of Pride.

Yup, that is why poor white trash, so to speak and rednecks fall for racism and all the Trump crap because it appeals to their anger and white pride so they can feel that glimmer of hope and pride that they are still better than others who are black or brown. As former president LBJ once said, "If you can make the trashiest poor white man feel that he is still better than the best black man, he won't notice while you are picking his pockets". Truer words were never spoken......LBJ said that back in the 60s and it's just as true today....

@OwlInASack Thank you. LBJ, in some ways, was a great prez as he passed Medicare and Medicaid, along with all the Great Society anti-poverty programs. Also the Peace Corps (with JFK) and VISTA programs, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. He also was pretty sharp for a guy born dirt poor in the hill country of east Texas who went to the state's teacher college instead of an Ivy League college like most of his political peers. If it weren't for Vietnam, he would be seen as one of the great American presidents.


Yes, but that is exactly the glue that binds


It IS simply that they are told REPEATEDLY that they are by those who see them as being an endless supply of PAWNS in their mindless game of "My God is better than your God."


LMAO - one of them is in camoflage!


And the politicians are promoting it to their advantage. Nationalism or "populism" as it is being called now is very damaging.

Yeah, MAGA never fooled me. Should have had the guts to call a spade a spade and say it was Make America White Again, but wouldn't have sounded so high-minded and patriotic. All about the advertising angles.

@TomMcGiverin And it's not just in the USA. We have Brexit here and both Hungary and Brazil have elected right wing presidents.

@Moravian Yeah, nationalism, racism, and xenophobia are all running well all over the globe as the oligarchs and their puppet politicians divide and conquer the masses during globalization's rein of terror over the planet by pitting one racial group or country against another. While all the billionaires gather at Davos and laugh at the suckers who fall for it and leave them blameless instead of fighting back against them with revolution or targeted assassinations.

@TomMcGiverin Agree with most of that, maybe peaceful revolution but definitely no assassinations.

@Moravian I don't think the rich and their politicians are going to allow that. That's why I mentioned assassinations. Maybe you are naive or I am too cynical. Time will tell.

@TomMcGiverin No I am not naïve, but if you think targeted assassinations would do any good you are. Probably the targeted assassination which caused more deaths and mayhem than any other was that of Archduke Franz ferdinand

@Moravian Your opinion is noted and still disagreed with. I am not talking about politicians, I am talking about oligarchs and the ultra-rich, if they can be gotten to. Those people will never allow peaceful revolution to happen. They will instruct their bought politicians to crush the peaceful attempts at revolution thru the military and security forces the same way they did the Occupy Wall Street movement's camps. If you want to see a preview of the future should peaceful revolution be attempted by protests, there it was......

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