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It seems like every day at work I get religious people randomly asking me if im Christian and telling me I should be. Or handing me cards to their church or those "jesus saves" flyers

April9567 4 Apr 27

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Despite Brexit there is an upside to being British....we don’t have to put up with Jesus Pamphlets in the workplace!

Are there laws against this workplace propaganda their?

@Vintenar There may well be laws, but I don’t think they’d be needed here. Mainland U.K. is not a very religious country....nobody talks about religion at all, especially not in the workplace. Most people wouldn’t have a clue in England or Scotland what religion anyone was, nor would they care, Here in Northern Ireland, everybody is already religious, and are either Protestant or Catholic....neither would be trying to convert the other.


Why are religious people so bold? Could it be they feel backed by the state they live in. I don't go around inviting people to become atheists 🙂 Maybe atheist should start asking people why they are religious. We could start door to door canvass. We could go to jail. LOL

They are brainwashed by the thief spewing lies about their god and religion actually existing. The person in charge of that church needs more people to grow his base of the delusional so that he can increase his income.

@Vintenar , sad but true.

I believe Michael Shermer went door to door after his deconversion and apologized to the people he had talked to when he was a believer.


A simple no thanks, I’m not interested should be enough. If it persists then it becomes harassment.


I find a hearty chuckle, followed by a 'wait... you arent serious are you?' discourages further such.


I had to check your profile to see where you're from. Texas of course! I'm also in Texas and understand completely what you're sharing here. It's never ending with these religious people. I am never rude to them unless they keep pushing their BS on me. I would tell them that their religious questions are not appropriate at work. If it continues report the harrassment to management.


I had a religious guy I worked with for 10 years who once asked if I was religious and I said I was but did not like to discuss religion on the job. He accepted this and never mentioned it again and we always got along fine. If I had been rude or said I was a nonbeliever our working relationship may have been negatively affected.When you work side by side with a lot of religious people it is better to just go along with their fairytales than to face possible alienation . Its no skin off my teeth.I don’t give a crap if some co workers think I am religious because other friends and some family know I am not.

That’s a smart way to handle that situation.

Had over 12 years of that with a bloke on the New South Wales Railways in Australia, preaching almost non-stop, expecting everyone to say Grace BEFORE meals, etc, putting crucifixes and bible quotes up all around the workplace continuously, etc.
Then, one day everyone discovered that he was keeping a little notebook in which he recorded ABSOLUTELY everything possible about everyone and was reporting it to the District Manager, he quickly got given the nickname 'Pigeon' and when he asked why he was told simply and very plainly " Because you are a Bible Thumping Stoolpigeon you low-life Scab and from here on NO-ONE will either talk to you, associate with you or work with you."
He quit a few weeks later, without even making it through the customary 6 months trial period.


from googline texas aclu: How do I contact the ACLU in Texas?
If you would like to file a complaint, click here to fill out our legal complaint form.
Texas Bar Lawyer Referral Service (click on “find a lawyer&rdquo😉 or call 1-877-9TEXBAR (toll free)
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid or call 1-888-988-9996 (toll free)

now, you don't have to contact them right away. you can complain to the powers that be in your company that you are being harassed. make sure you have a concrete request, such as "i would like the other employees to stop giving me christian literature, asking me about religion and/or trying to get me to their churches." be as calm as possible. you can meanwhile mention that you thought of going to the aclu but realized that a simple request might be appropriate, since soliciting religion and harassment in general are INappropriate in the workplace. the mention of the aclu may serve as a kind of protection against being dismissed. i don't know if texas is an at-will state, which, if it was, would mean an employer doesn't need a reason to fire an employee, but if discrimination is involved, that trumps the at-will bit. so mentioning the aclu and making it clear that you feel you're being harassed expressly because of religion could be that much protection. if your efforts there are ineffective, then you will want to contact the aclu and ask how to proceed and whether they think you need them to press charges.



Where the hell do you work?? That is so inappropriate for the workplace. I would just respond with a "we aren't at work to talk about religion" or something of the like.

Remi Level 7 Apr 28, 2019

Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

I won't take those flyers, and tell them they're wasting their time with me.
I'd also tell them their behavior is wholly unprofessional, and report them to
HR (or your boss), if they don't stop. Although, I know lots of people are too
scared of retaliation to do that.


I walk straight to the trash, shredder, recycle bin, whatever, and throw them out like the garbage they are.


Are the flyers on recycled paper? Who paid for them? Were they made in America? Were they Union made? How much were the workers paid? A living wage? No, what do you mean No!, thats not very xian is it.
I have had this interaction, still got pampleted😂😂😂


Beat them at their own game, tell them you belong to another Christian denomination and tell them also they should join yours......


I just tell them politely I am not interested in their hateful god, provide them a few examples, comment on how modern Christians have added their own hatred and corruption into the mix, and then send them on their way.


If Jesus saves, does he really contribute to a successful economy? 😎


I do not care if people do this as long as they are not overly annoying .I do not judge people by their religious affiliation.One of the best warm hearted and honest individuals I ever worked with was a Bible thumper .

Gee mate, you must have found a REAL rarity with that one.
I usually run into the absolutely pushy ones like my Evangelist next door neighbor.


Say, "I can't abide Jesus's ultra left wing socialist policies of feeding and clothing the poor, class warfare against job creators(what's this "pass through the eye of a needle" crap?), healing people who don't bother to buy their own health care, and TAXING us 10% of our income so we can give it to people who didn't even earn it! Why are the meek inheriting the earth, anyway? The meek are weak and should be kicked out of the way by a strong leader."


I had a guy come to my house pushing the church thing, and I told him before he got ten words into his spiel that "I'm not a church person, and good luck",

The last time the Baptists came to my house and I said I'm not a believer they told me to look around me some and look at the trees. 🙂

@DenoPenno I don't get their point about the trees.


Just tell them you are not into superstition


i've missed something. i've worked with hundreds of people without religious affiliation ever coming up. No one ever asked me if I beloged to a church, how often i went to church or if I wanted to attend a specific church.


I hear ya. I drive and deliver auto parts for a living and one small town I'm in has a unique sort of "church." The building is like an office suite and it reads "NHIM." It seems the basic idea is that everything is about Jesus and are you NHIM? I've heard this idea before and ones that go for it say Jesus is all that matters. How thoughtfully ignorant of them. Writings we have about the man were written long after his time and not written by those whose names are on the books. The names are just to give the writing some authority.


I have noticed myself getting more annoyed since I moved to the bible belt... but mostly I try to ignore them. I find it interesting to watch the way others at work treat people, or interact, and it seems that the ones most loudly proclaiming their faith are the least likely to actually walk the walk..... kind of like the extremists supporting trump as the messenger of god, wanting all this violence and hatred.... more craziness... it amuses me because people will frequently comment on how 'nice' I am, or pleasant/helpful etc yet I am the atheist among them...which they don't know...not at all a saint, merely treating people politely....many are surprised when I point out that some form of the golden rule existed long before christianity...

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