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Back in the politically incorect 70s, I was advised by a retired navy commander
When you choose a woman to marry find a good cook and a good fuck, not necessarily in that orde
comments and criticism welcome
and what would be a girls criteria?

ShadowAmicus 8 May 8

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Depends on how you'd take advice from single (never married, or divorced) people, since I'm guessing most of us are just as stupid as your "mentor".

Not a mentor, just an oldish guy who was part of a fishing party - you talk about all sorts of stuff when travelling in a boat


And I was told that men are like tile floors; lay them right the first time and you can walk on them forever.

I do like that - and accurate to a point


The old outdated :lady in the parlor, chef in the kitchen, whore in the bedroom...glad we are not in that era anymore...

it might still apply to many of that generation, but expanded as we got older and wiser to being a good conversationalist, an independent thinker, kind to others, hard working, financially adept, and a sense of humor...the same things for a man or woman...


"Choose a woman to marry"? What, did you get them out of catalogs back then?

1of5 Level 8 May 9, 2019

they were called discos back then


I’m not surprised at that remark...especially from the 70s. The advice I gave to my sons, was to make sure you would choose to be friends with your lover, even were there no sexual attraction, to ask if you would choose her to be a friend. Once the initial passion of wanting each other’s bodies day and night wears off, if there is a mutual respect and friendship, then the relationship will last. I know many marriages which have lasted, despite the lack of sex in later years. As far as cooking is concerned, it is far more common to find the male partner does most of the cooking amongst the younger generation than the other way round. Both my sons liked to cook for their partners.

@Bobby9 Thank you...I think it’s good advice in all cases.


That's what I found in my latest marriage, and it was a complete disaster.

The advice should have been "Find a mentally and emotionally stable woman"

BD66 Level 8 May 9, 2019

I gave up 4yrs. ago !!!


Preferably at the same time


as if someone from the navy would know a damn thing about life.

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