I accidentally took a little snoozer after I woke up this morning and had the weirdest dream! I was in a Catholic Church with the best friend I mentioned earlier and we were watching the sermon which I can’t even remember and I kept thinking “oh my god. I’m gonna post this” and then everyone was welcoming me to the church and I was like “I’m just here to visit”. I ended up in a catholic school and we were wearing long skirts and some professor told my friend that she couldn’t wear hers but it was the same length as mine and I said “are we not allowed to wear skirts?” & he replied “I don’t answer to women” and I flipped out and left the school and hid in a portapotty? Then I called my mom and told her there was no way in hell I’m staying there and she agreed to come get me then when I walked out the principle was there with the secretary and told me she lied to me & I had to get back to class. On my way back I got a text from one of my guy friends saying he needed a snack and my roommate and I began to cook a whole meal for him and the principle caught us and said it was okay because it was for a man. Then I woke up. What the hell? I just thought I’d share that terror with you guys because it may have been my worst nightmare. Also I’m 21 and would not need my mom’s permission.
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@jerry99 They wish...
@1EarthLovingGal It gets even better he is now trying this silly shit with the coconut....