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I have a highly debated point to post. I recently got into a heated discussion concerning an issue that's a global problem. Alcoholism: Disease or choice? What's your take on it?

IAJO163 8 May 18

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I believe Alcoholism is an inherited disorder,with those affected,more prone to drink to excess,not knowing when to stop.


I was married to an alcoholic for 24 years. I saw the disease progress. I also saw the disease arrested by NOT DRINKING.
I have type 1 diabetes. Also a disease, but not possible to arrest, no matter how stringent the behavior modification is. The point I am trying to make is that chronic illnesses all have the disease component and the behavior component.
We spend millions on research and technology on the one chronic illness. We spend hardly anything on the other. I believe that if you follow the old adage :Follow thwe money", you'll probably find the reason . Too much money is being made by alcohol sales, and not enough people suffer from alcohol addiction. Oh well.


It's a genetic predisposition. See the link for proof.



To start drinking is obviously a choice but to suggest that alcoholism is a choice is ridiculous.


Interesting answers. Now to wait for big pharma to create or discover an antibiotic to cure this disease like it has been done with all the rest of the diseases. Maybe one day we can be vaccinated against it.




Disease brain chemistry is different and inherited trait that makes it a disease

bobwjr Level 10 May 18, 2019

A disease that began as a choice?

I dunno that I consider it a disease as much as I would call it an addiction


Both . I have seen crack babies and etoh babies . U always know in NICU which ones are born and going through withdrawal 😞 It's one of the saddest things ever .
Also , most of times , etoh addicted parents and living in such way , they raise feature etoh people . Monkey see , monkey do . Some able to escape that , and that's wonderful .
Some get addicted without any of above factors onto the table . All addictions are diseases . Psychological disease first , and then a vicious cycle involving physical symptoms .
Yes , there is a choice as well . The choice to drop / quit . It requires time , energy of many people around the addict , money , information , medical attention , society's acceptance , and good ole Love .
2 out of 3 of my patients are coming to ER Bcz etoh origin issues . I sit back and I think , this man was somebody's litle boy once , someone's litle girl . Wtf happen to them ? I don't see the grown up w the nasty attitude or the shiting pants or broken arm Bcz of etoh . I try to see a 7 yr old boy w a school bag and lego instead . It helps me to find compassion and empathy . Man , life sucks for many humans . U just never know .
And honestly , we don't always have to know y . We just have to be able to help . Some how . Even if just not judging and voting for programs that provide $$ for rehabs .
My opinion .


Aren't diseases contagious ? Seriously, there is a serious addiction issue for some people that they cannot fight.


An incredibly destructive disease to close bystanders.


I think some people are genetically predisposed to be at a higher risk of addiction to alcohol and that they have a more difficult time in a culture that promotes and idealizes drinking. Once alcohol becomes a coping mechanism it becomes the 'monster on the leash' for chronic heavy drinkers...they think they can stop at any time and have it under control. They think they can just choose to stop. They tell their friends and family members they can stop at any time they want. Medical intervention becomes necessary at some point for many people dependent on alcohol... serious chemical dependence is not a choice. Certainly not a one-size-fits-all situation but that is my take on heavy drinking.


I think Alcoholism is a disease which is different than a binge drinker who relies on alcohol for their social identity. If your body goes through withdrawals and you need to drink to stop shakes- that is a disease. If you just feel out of place or socially awkward unless you have a drink in hand- that is a choice. It's a slippery slope into alcoholism though at that point


I think it may be both.

zesty Level 7 May 18, 2019
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