Not ridiculing, just curious. I am somewhat fascinated by how many people here, on a site for people who do not believe in gods, ask so many questions and make so many posts about religion. Is it because they are not entirely comfortable with their own beliefs and are seeking validation from others? Mind you, it does not really bother me to discuss religion, or unicorns, dragons, fairies, etc., but I had rather hoped this site was a "religion-free" zone. So I guess my question is: "Should I be seeking a community without religion elsewhere, and does such a place even exist?" Again, I am not trying to put anyone down, I'm just curious.
Edit: Thank you all for your answers. My main takeaway from this is that such questions should never be asked. If you have any responses beyond that I am a "self-important fathead", feel free to reply.
Easy answer , most likely already said: this is, not I lean far toward atheism myself, but I still have an opening for questions that can hold some scientific validity. I FULLY dismiss the major religions, especially the Abrahanic ones. I see some science in other places.
The world is not a "religion-free zone". Why should this site be such?
Religion influences all our lives, whether we believe in gods or not.
Most of the time, when we're talking about religion, it is to deride, ridicule,
or straight-up bitch about how much interference it forces on many of us.
There are NO communities without religion. I don't believe they exist anymore
than gods do.
It's not reasonable to expect people to NOT talk about religion. Even atheists.
Some people who come here are still working through their return to sanity,
logic and reason.
They seek support and understanding. Some of us have no problem offering
that to them.
All that said, if the site isn't to your liking, you have options.
Excellent reply!
@AnneWimsey Thank you, ma'am.
Beats me. Repetitive posts abound:
Endlessly debating "atheist" vs. "agnostic."
Christian beliefs, hypocrisy and history.
My advice is to skip posts that annoy you.
Excellent advice.
Exactly, plenty of topics for any atheist/agnostic on here to peruse.
Since I have been an atheist since age 13, I have had decades to grow stronger and more clear.
When Christians confront me, I shut them down with a smart-aleck response.
"How was the universe created?" Christians ask.
"Nobody knows," I reply. "Since when does being an atheist automatically make me an astrophysicist?"
Most of my friends are Christians. They love me for who I am.
For ten years, I've been an atheist. I studied for two years before I came to this conclusion. For those of us who spent decades living as slaves to man-made rules, rules that guided our entire lives, it's necessary to discuss our disgust with religion and to find ways to help others find the exit door.
Right on!. Religion caused more suffering in history than any other concept. It's a way to live based on superstition.
@Aristopus Religion ruins lives. Ruins them! Literally. I speak about religion often because I care about others.
I see it as a spectator sport....I am not on Team Jesus but I still like to try to see what they're up to and how they behave. Especially when their decisions and (when it comes to politics) policies affect me personally and the world I want to live in.
If you have something you want to discuss, make a post on that topic and get a conversation going. Don't bitch about topics posted by others that don't interest you. If you don't want to discuss religion, then don't. That goes both ways. You're free to make a post discussing the impact of Teflon cookware in the 20th Century at great length if you want and no one will make a post complaining that you posted it. Just don't expect many people to show up for that discussion.
Point is, anything can be discussed here.
discern an observation from a "bitch"...few bitching here...
Given the incredible negative influence and power it has in and on society in the US, it would seem pretty neglectful not to discuss it. Just pass on those posts. If this site is not for you, it is free to join, and it is just as free to leave. It ain't that complicated.
Discussion and criticism of religion is a pretty natural thing to encounter on a site like this, especially since many members have been criticized or judged by people of faith. Some have been rejected or ostracized by members of their families, simply because they don't believe in God. And I doubt if many on here are uncomfortable with their positions.
I think it's because this is the only place we can bash religion (deservedly so) and point out how ridiculously stupid it is without fear of starting a flame war, losing all of our friends, losing family members, getting fired, losing our place to live, etc. (undeservedly so). We might even find others that agree with what we said who are free to express it without fear of the afore mentioned complications.
Many of the people who land here are just breaking free of their religious "chains" and feel a need to vent or ask philosophical questions, or just play spew. This is a safe place for them to do so without being attacked by their loving, Xtian "friends." I have no problem with it at all. This site is now big enough that there are thousands of conversations taking place on a multitude of topics. If you're put off, or put out by religion-talk, just ignore it.
I just don't pay attention to religious posts. I think most of them are people questioning their own lack of faith. I'm 100% atheist. I don't care what anyone says. Some people just aren't there yet.
I think a lot of us are isolated in such religious areas and have to deal with the religious bullshit to an extent that this the only place we have to vent about it to like minds. And a lot of us are still working on escaping the mental slavery and oppressive assumptions engrained in us from being brainwashed early; we know it’s bullshit intellectually but when destructive thought patterns get engrained early you really have to spend quite a while talking yourself out of the residual effects. And a lot of people here are fairly newly deconverted and looking for assurance or advice from those who have had more time to work on themselves.
In general our frustrations and talk of how to escape religion’s grasp are gonna be huge here for many reasons. If you prefer not to talk about or see it I’d say the best bet is to search groups for specific topics that do interest you and spend most of your time there, or start your own discussions or group.
Thanks. I was the thinking the near life-long indoctrination might have something to do with it.
You are NOT a fathead and it's a good question.
My daughters ask my why I talk about religion so much when I'm not religious. Their lives weren't dictated to the way many of our lives were. There is no way to change our religious culture without speaking about religion.
a lot of people are new atheists/agnostics and really need the support of others because they're going through trauma involving friends, family, community. not everyone is able to say "i'm an atheist" and get an "oh, okay, what's for lunch" kind of answer. so you see a lot of discussions not only about atheism itself but about how to deal with religious people, and some of that involves clarifying responses to possible challenges by such people. others are working it out online. but let's imagine that some people are not entirely comfortable with their beliefs and are seeking validation from others? how is that so awful? maybe they become more comfortable through these efforts. that is a GOOD thing.
Yeah I thought the same thing, and then over time I realized what a strong pull our upbringing and conditioning (brainwashing) has on us. That's also why I periodically revisit sites like 'Jesus Did Not Exist,' and others, as a refresher course. Sort of like going to AA from time to time for a long-time alcoholic, to remind himself how bad it really was, and how stupid it would be to ever go there agsin. So I occasionally dive into the mosh pit with other agnostics and atheists if some post catches my eye, and wallow around about some 'issue' or another, usually putting a dig in at some pessimistic atheist or whatever...not for everybody but I like to get my hands dirty occasionally.
If you are really so immune to your programming, congratulations. We are SURROUNDED by this crap 24/7, and sometimes I feel that gravitational pull, so I turn on my booster rockets to get myself back into the proper orbit. Otherwise I go to my other groups in here about camping or naked women pics or something, Elon Musk...quite a few good ones. About the religion thing, maybe you'll feel the need some day.
Other sites? I don't know. Maybe somebody else could recommend one...
I would imagine that there are those who are new (ish) in their conclusion that there probably isn't a god, or that there is no god.
I think part of that might entail wanting to speak out, to exclaim their disdain towards religion and anything that goes with it.
And part of doing such on most sites they are inundated with aggressive hate from the religious ilk.
So, here is kind of a "safe haven" of sorts for them to vocalize.
Iv'e never been a believer, I was fortunate enough to have not have been brought up in a religious household, but over the years I have met many who have come from that religious background, and what I have gathered is that it was a very big deal for them.
Plus to be honest, some times a little religion bashing is just fun.
There are rather a lot which are concerned with religion I agree, I too have posed a similar question in the past and been shot down for asking. My advice to you is, just skip the posts which seem to be on a repetitive cycle of asking the same questions, ones already resolved in my head and yours too, evidently. Other people here may still be in a post religion phase where they need validation that they have made the right decision to eschew religion and find comfort in hearing from others that they think the same way. Unless a stray believer infiltrates the site, they will not get anyone actually countering their views, so it can only be to confirm that they have made the right decision. I am in a completely different category, as I have never had a religion, but am much more tolerant of those who do believe in god than most others here who have been damaged by their belief in god.
Thanks. I'll heed your advice, and probably ask no more questions beyond maybe "What kind of plant is this?" or "Who sang the song...?". And might I add that your music posts always entertain me.
@StevenWilbur Glad to oblige!
In my case I don't need other's confirmation about something that is so axiomatic that there is no God. That's what religious evangelicals do: they self reinforce each other. The word "Agnostic" comes from the Greek meaning "not know" It's about believing in God. I suggest you look for a "religion-free" zone in other areas. Try sports, economics, politics or comic books.