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Hmm. A continuity error occurred to ne last night...I'm sure I'm not the first to notice, but it was fresh for me:

  • God made us in his own image.

And yet,

  • God had to take human form to walk among us and spread his message.

So, if we're already in his image, why was Jesus necessary?

NYTrink 6 May 20

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Man created God in his own image.


Stop it! Stop it! You are being logical and expect the people who wrote that fairytale to think like you. You expect that fairytale to make sense. Abandon all expectations and,any semblance of critical thinking from the authors of that book.


If we were made in God's image, why does a God need opposable thumbs and a penis?

How else am I supposed to spell in cursive?


These holy texts were written over centuries, even millennia. To expect consistency is too much.
Also, the use of "his" and a masculine iteration manifests the misogyny of these believers.
Humans created god/gods in their own image usually.

And the place of women is well documented to be convenient that becomes for a patriarchal society and the expectations that follow.


there's no use trying to find clarity in the fables of christianity. they are just stories. the word "bible" means compilation and thats just what it is. a compilation of stories written by different people from different communities about the fable of their god and his son. the same as little red riding hood or jack and jill.


You're asking logical questions about a fantasy.

Excellent point!


Looking for inconsistencies in the bible? Keep looking: there are more. Lots more!


Why, exactly, are you wasting your precious life musing about fairies & Santa Claus? And who proved Jesus existed? Oh, but do not spend your time researching it......

Hey, but it can be great fun digging into the patent inconsistencies of the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy, heaps better than watching those mind numbing television shows in my opinion.

@Triphid I just got through watching all 19 seasons of Midsomer Murders on Netflix, and enjoyed the Heck out of it!

@AnneWimsey I always enjoy British Crime Shows and some of good Aussie ones, the Yank ones are similar to Boarding House Meals, .i.e. the same thing over and over again, just re-hashed a little around the edges.


Maybe god was too busy SMITING and CURSING to do it himself?


Beats the hell out of me! I think I feel a bowl movement coming on.


That is kind of like when the Faithfools try to tell me that " We are ALL Gods' children," and I ask them, quite nicely, " But IF that is so, then why do we all look so different?," or, " Are we not simply committing the Sin of Incest by marrying our brother or sister, etc?"
Then comes the Faithfool impersonation, in my opinion, of a single cylinder, 2 Stroke Engine trying its hardest to find its true idling speed, i.e. the " but, but ,but, but" sounds that they exude so very well when cornered.


Have you heard the term - Comedy of Errors?


The Holy Spirit will really blow your mind...ha ha. Wrap your mind around the concept of Holy Trinity. Father, Son and Holy (WHAT)...Ghost??? Why?

@Antifred The 'Holy Trinity' a literary invention of Flavius Josephus in a effort to get the Flavian Emperors deified in the Roman Empire, nothing more, nothing less I'm afraid, Friar Fred.


A different interpretation:

The world as we see it is an illusion. We create our own private realities through the power of imagination.

Behind the scenes of that illusion lies the great mysterious Ultimate Reality. Our true existence lies there. We are one with each other and one with... uh, whatever you want to call it. Now and then someone will “get it” and try to spread the word but they are generally misunderstood.

Nothing supernatural is involved here unless you consider nature herself to be super, which is a reasonable supposition IMO.


Add that to the list of inconsistencies.
The men who came up with that bullshit weren't known for their logic.


Good point

bobwjr Level 10 May 20, 2019

Maybe the wrong atmosphere? That is, the image might have been the same, but not the physiology?


Perhaps it wanted to see what it looked like.


I think a theological philosophy argument would be that the “image” in question isn’t necessarily a physical image, since, really, I don’t think most of the more logically minded Christians would argue God actually looks like a human. I think the image is more of a sentience, an ability to reason, see cause and effect, have empatby, etc. as opposed to the mindless beasts of the earth. Obviously, we know that animals are very intelligent, both logically and emotionally, so it’s all still bunk.


Yet one more religious conundrum!! The first problem is trying to assign logic to any religious topic!


That shows you that the bible is full of shit, that's all. Same as all the other man made religious books all written by ignorant people in the past who didn't even know anything about anything. It's all bullcrap and if you want to believe any of it, like there was a Jesus, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell very cheap to you.


FIRST: I do not believe on the bible, i treat it as literature and mythology.

So lets see how it is justified.

Adam and Eve were created with "real" life, eternal life, perfect, with no flaws or sin and they were perfectly connected to the source of life that is YHWH. That is how ADAM and EVE were his image, not equals but images, you could recognize YHWH on them, but they were not equals, the same difference between a person and a photo of the person.

When they disobeyed, they were corrupted, they now are imperfect, they are not a perfect image anymore, they are distorted, into a point that you cannot even recognize the creator anymore. Also because they ate from the knowledge of good and EVIL, they have evil inside and so YHWH put them out of Eden, so they cannot eat from the tree of life anymore. So now they do not have real life anymore and they will eventually die.

That solves the image part

Now God taking human form.

The trinity always had different roles. when refering to YHWH i am telling about the god itself and when i say son, father or spirity I refer to one element of the trinity.

The father is the thinking mind, the planner, the architect, the creator.
The spirit is what connects it with humans, it is the supernatural link, the messenger.
The son was the verb.
In the Jew culture, they do not produce images, so language and writing is essential for them. So all the power of YHWH manifest on words, he created the world speaking, his symbol is the words written on stone etc.
Jesus was the verb that incarnated, so the son is the engine, the power of the trinity, when YHWH created the world it was using the verb.

So this god becomes human is actually the son limited himself to an image of himself with no godlike powers besides its connection with the "real undying life". The son had no powers at all, he was partially connected to the other aspects of the trinity and dependent of them to do stuff. And the ressurection shows this, that he was the perfect image, he could not be killed, he delivered his spirit and then returned after sometime (actually the bible says he was busy doing stuff on those 3 days), now in its full power and glory.

Christian mythology is actually very nice in its symbolisms. But still a bronze age superstition refined later by other more educated men.


Just one of the many contradictions that the bible is laden with.


One person can do so much. Which turned out to do a whole bunch of nothing.

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