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If this means conservative Christians would move away from the rest of us, I'm all for it...


FrostyJim 8 May 25

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Sounds like a great idea! They have probably forgotten that they are human before they are Christian and will divide themselves into factions then beat shit out of each other because, by their very nature, they are belligerent and need to feel superior over something. Looks like that will have to be each other. Great spectator sport!


Pipe dream, can't force anyone to live anywhere, unless they voluntarily go there, knowing how their imbecilic minds work, they wouldn't because they want to proselytize all heathens. But if we could, I'd send them all to their holy land, Israel, and good riddance!


I would be wary of it. If it ever came to pass, it could be a base for spreading Christian right insurrection throughout the country.

Yeah. "Breaking from the state" is one step removed from "breaking from the country", and last I knew that was called treason. But I guess norms and laws and basic decency do not matter anymore.


Hey, people! Don't throw us east siders under the bus! Sure, we're surrounded by some nutty people. But we're still part of America! lol Sadly, the one thing my tiny little down has ever become...not famous for, but partially remembered for by a very small percentage of people, is...

...when the pastor of the Bible Baptist church made an appearance on HBO's documentary "Questioning Darwin" by saying evolutionists say we came from monkeys, so they must believe god is a monkey.

My great-grandfather went to that church for years. Tried to get me to go when I was 6 or 7. How stupid is a group of adults when a 6 year old can see how stupid you are?


Lets get that a little furher away from the 49th please.


Absolutely yes 👍

bobwjr Level 10 May 26, 2019

I am of the Western Washington Soviet.
For what it's worth, I have long contended that our constituencies are too large for effective representation.


One of my friends lives in the Portland area. He has also told me that once you get to the eastern area of the state it is a highly believing area.


They want to put it next to the largest congregation of atheists in the US.

Lived in Portland for awhile. Loved it. Dirty town, but strangly wonderful. Always suprised by the number of godbot's bordering Portland.


All this shows is that a lot of people are seriously concerned about atheism taking over, so much so that they want to run away and form a new state. You can interpret that however you want.

I have to be honest, I think their proposed flag is cool, even if it is a little ironic.

Fantastic to see stabby the war hawk on a Christian flag. Jesus would have approved. But I don’t mind having the god squad around while they wait for the rapture...the useful idiot part of them acts just like us. The only difference is they can’t admit it to themselves. The “spit in your face” thing that does it is the enforcement of their values system. If they would knock that off, it would be all good.

@Drabaverna I think its supposed to be a broken sword, and unchained shackle, indicating no need to fight and freedom. It's ironic because they enslave themselves in false believes and want to form a new state somewhat violently.


sort of an interesting idea to speculate about...

I guess they would all be carrying guns...but if they are all Christians, who would they be defending themselves against? I guess they think there would be no maybe if they were invaded by a group of atheist getting lost and crossing their border?

I guess they would all be in church Sunday...they would need a lot of land for churches and money to pay for those churches...would there be enough room for them all...probably skyrocketing real estate costs due to supply and demand, so eventually, there could be homelessness?

How would they make a living? Start all new businesses? Each other spending in each other's business? Would some businesses get more than others? Or will they equal things out...not bother with money? Would the blue neighboring state get the taxes if they worked over there and then went home? What if they bring home any polluted ideas...will they have to leave?

Would they intermarry? Stay in the state? Only marry those in the state? Will they ship out any children born gay? hmmm?

ha ha...yeah...what a bunch of loons...

Hell, they have been marrying in the same family for generations. The same state should not be a problem. Just follow Alabama and Mississippis' example.

@Sticks48 I am sure the nuts who thought of this have not thought it through...idiots

@thinktwice I still like the concept. 🙂

@Sticks48 oh sure...let them die out and implode...that would be great...

@thinktwice Exactly. 🙂


Don’t really want two more right-wing senators.


Hey, why stop at letting them make their 'new' state on the mainlands, there's plenty of land available, unoccupied and 100% FREE on the Bikini Atolls in the South Pacific, they'd have no problems with Atheists, etc, bothering them there, would they?


If they propose to be a US state wouldn’t they be subject to the constitution the same as all the other states? The Supreme Court might have something to say about their proposals.

Perhaps, but Utah seems to have a different take on its statehood, etc, according to the LDS Church as far a I know from my experiences with them.

@Triphid Here’s an LA Times on that subject. Does it sound right?


@WilliamFleming Yes, despite the USUAL protestations of the LDS 'Officials' the LDS Church literally runs the state of Utah with a fist of, not Iron, but solid titanium just as it does with its members.
For example, A) ANY member found to spending money in ANY business other than one owned by a Church Member on a Sunday can expect to called to account in front of the entire Congregation and will most likely be ostracized for a period of NOT less than 1 calendar month ( all family members included here btw),
B) NO family with children may hold a picnic or attend a sporting event, etc, on ANY Sunday for ANY reason what-so-ever, punishment same as for A),
C) ALL Church Members MUST Fast from Sunrise to Sunset each and every Sunday, the only exceptions/ exemptions are for the pregnant women, babies and toddlers under 5 years of age and those whom have direct Medical Prescriptions from recognized Doctors/Specialists,
D) ALL tithe envelopes handed out the previous Sunday MUST be returned and filled the following Sunday, failure to do so WILL result in an Enquiry conducted by the Church Council of Elders at THEIR convenience, NOT yours,
E) ANY Church Member rostered by an Employer to work on a Sunday MUST ask permission of the Elders and SHOW a copy of the said roster BEFORE working on that Sunday PLUS contribute 10% of the wage/salary earned on that Sunday to the Church as well as the .normal tithes expected each week, failure to do so = ostracism for a period not less than 1 month for the ENTIRE family,
F) considering that here in Australia our electoral system, etc, is different to the U.S.A., LDS church Members ARE PRESCRIBED by the Council of Elders PRECISELY Who or What Political Party they CAN vote for and no-one may deviate from that prescription,
G) Couples, either of the same sex or one of each sex, sharing a house/flat, etc, are NOT permitted to sit near each other in Church Services,
H) Everyone attending services MUST be seated according their 'ranking' in the Church, NO deviations permitted,
I) EVERY Member, without exception, MUST invite the Missionary Elders to their home/flat at least once per month for a meal, bible discussion and prayers, NO exceptions allowed,
J) discussion/debate relating to political matters/Government matters CAN ONLY be held among the Council of Elders and the Missionary Elders, NOT amongst the General Membership.
There are literally HUNDREDS more of these LDS 'articles' that I could add here, but I think you'll get the gist from what I've already posted in this reply/comment.

@Triphid Holy smokes!! I had no idea it was like that.congratulations on your escape. Are they hounding you to come back?

@WilliamFleming I actually pretended to be a tentative member solely for the purpose of researching the LDS and other Churches for my ThD ( Doctorate in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions) I never actually became a full (fool, if you get my drift here) member but the lure of having someone with a Masters in Theology in the congregation got their hearts all a flutter and they thought that I would be an idea candidate for membership at a later time as it convenience me and my studies.

@Triphid The Mormon Church appears, in my opinion, to have been founded on lies. How any rational person can be taken in by the account of Joseph Smith is beyond me.

I hate authoritarianism in any form.

@WilliamFleming I'm a former lifelong member of the LDS church born and raised in Utah and currently living here now. Triphid is full of shit. It's oppressive and there are horrible stories but nothing like what he's saying.

@WilliamFleming It IS totalitarian by its very nature despite the protestations of UpsideDownAgain.
Perhaps, imo, she is still somewhat 'blinded' by here LDS up-bringing still, if that be so then she has my sincere sympathies and condolences.

@UpsideDownAgain Maybe his experiences were in Australia. Maybe it’s worse there.

There’s a small LDS group right here where I live and I can’t imagine that people around here would tolerate such things.

@WilliamFleming There's a possibility that he stumbled on a branch off from the LDS church but I doubt mainstream members would be that extreme without intervention from the main church. They pride themselves on the church being the same worldwide and they send leaders out to help the different congregations stay within the guidelines of the church. I've lived in four different countries across the world and the LDS church was basically the same in each of them. There is sexual misbehavior covered up and ecclesiastical abuse like many other churches but on the surface, the LDS church isn't too far from what is normally socially acceptable. About the most extreme thing they do publicly is refrain from alcohol and coffee.

@UpsideDownAgain Thanks for your input. I’m relieved.

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