You think this is true? Do most non-religious democrats prefer Bernie?
They probably do...but not because of his religious views.
He's simply the most honest. The most forthright. The most factual.
No BS Bernie....
My religious beliefs (not just a- theism, but how or if I participate in group rituals and belief systems) have nothing to do with who should be president. It's being used as a wedge issue just like abortion or gun rights... keeping people from looking at the skills that would make someone a good president. Just ad an example... tarriffs... I'd consider a vote for Romeny if I thought he best understood his role in world trade and how to leverage U.S. economic strengths.
I don't. Hed be preferable to anyone the repubs could put on the ballot, but I see no way he'd get any perminant changes he wants made through congress - repubs and conservative dems would stymie any good legislation he wants.
Plus he's another old white man. I'd really like someone else run the country for a generation or so.
I didn't and won't (unless he gets the nomination. In that case I would vote for almost anyone). Aren't we tired of the usual old white guys in the WH? I sure am.
Anybody with a brain prefers Bernie...why accept palid idea-stealers, get the original, the best!