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You think this is true? Do most non-religious democrats prefer Bernie?


happyhiker1 7 June 4

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They probably do...but not because of his religious views.

He's simply the most honest. The most forthright. The most factual.

No BS Bernie....


My religious beliefs (not just a- theism, but how or if I participate in group rituals and belief systems) have nothing to do with who should be president. It's being used as a wedge issue just like abortion or gun rights... keeping people from looking at the skills that would make someone a good president. Just ad an example... tarriffs... I'd consider a vote for Romeny if I thought he best understood his role in world trade and how to leverage U.S. economic strengths.


I don't. Hed be preferable to anyone the repubs could put on the ballot, but I see no way he'd get any perminant changes he wants made through congress - repubs and conservative dems would stymie any good legislation he wants.

Plus he's another old white man. I'd really like someone else run the country for a generation or so.

1of5 Level 8 June 4, 2019

While I like Bernie, having lived in Vt in the past, I support Warren, but have not put much effort into evaluating all the candidates yet

I'm holding back a bit to let things shake out.


I would vote for any Democrat in November. However, in the primary I would vote for Harris or Warren. Never Buttigieg because he's too religious and not Sanders or Biden.


I didn't and won't (unless he gets the nomination. In that case I would vote for almost anyone). Aren't we tired of the usual old white guys in the WH? I sure am.


Anybody with a brain prefers Bernie...why accept palid idea-stealers, get the original, the best!


Seems to be a fairly strong correlation, and it’s reasonable that the least religious voters would find commonality with the least religious candidate.


I prefer Bernie and won't vote for Biden. Bernie is a secular jew an atheist by another name.

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