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Justin Bieber;
"I wanna challenge Tom Cruise to fight in the octagon. Tom if you don't take this fight your scared and you will never live it down. Who is willing to put on the fight? @danawhite "

Conor McGregor jumped in and offered to host the event, he also challenged Mark Walhberg to be on the same MMA card.


My money is on Cruise if he accepts...(Show me the Money!)

cava 7 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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What is the point??? Who's stronger, who's weaker ??? What idiots !!!

That seems to be the feminine reaction, thus far 🙂

@cava Geez, Cava,I would hope that there are enough evolved men who feel the same way. . . . . . . .hopefully!!!

@ThinkingFree The topic is silly, random and fun...not the evolution of the male psyche..

@cava Hey Cava, you are the one who brought up the gender issue. Silly, but not fun. I love action movies, but in real life . . . . . count me out !!!


cruise is too old & small. biebs is in great shape & would win easily.


I can’t believe this nonsense exists.

Let’s get Lady Gaga and Megan Windsor in a Great British Bake Off making English High Tea,

Now I would pay to see that!


Can't believe I'd be rooting for Cruise were this to happen. And i want it to happen, now. Dammit.

1of5 Level 8 June 10, 2019

The Who Cares face-off?

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