Proudly wore the title "bitch" for all those years I worked in a male-dominated corporate environment...
Strong, powerful and still fair and kind can work well to take down some of that male toxicity...and we are all better for and women now seem to be much happier working together...glad to see it...
Now I will wear the title of "cranky old lady"...sigh
Strong women intimidate boys and excite men.
you are biased - and strong
I am as strong as I am vulnerable under the right circumstances. Any man who wants a woman who can't state her opinion or needs clearly, who can't stand up for herself, or who is unable to provide for herself, probably has to work on his emotional maturity.
@Athena I would not imagine you as vulnerable at all .. intimidating - probably. As a ballerina / weightlifter I have half assumed you do some sort of martial art alongside yoga / meditation .. but only guessing.
I define vulnerability here as the ability to expose myself emotionally... being open.
I'm not referring to being vulnerable to attacks. ... "lord" help anyone who tries that - yes.
I'm taking all this a compliment. Thank you.
@Athena more observational - but I do admire your brain and abilities - if I didn't OI would stop reading your posts / comments
@Athena usually find that people who have the focus to train and keep in shape also have the mental strength to deal with most stuff. But everyone has an emotional tipping point - mine is that last scene in Lassie come home - and other stuff.
When I was in 4th grade, Miss Minson called my parents in to tell them I was "not very ladylike" (meaning, not quiet, bossy, assertive). I do not miss the 50's At All. Oh, and hey, MISS Minson, how's that ladylike crap working out for you?