I couldn't care less what anyone thinks of me other than my Mom. She's Christian and raised me Christian. She knows I'm not really religious, but she doesn't know that I don't believe in god, jesus, or the bible. She has told me that she wishes I had turned out differently as far as religion goes, but she's not one to tell me how to live my adult life. If anyone else doesn't like me for lack of religion, or any other reason for that matter, they can go fuck themselves.
They don't like or accept me..Fuck'em their loss..
Right on!
@AirForceNurse1 Ikr?!..
So often … if someone ‘could care less,’ why don’t they? Often, I couldn't care less,’ because I don’t care at all..
Beyond that annoying misused phrase, the older I get ..and the more time I spend around here … the less I care what anyone thinks of my lack of belief in a pretend entity.
I have never fit in anywhere. I ran out of fucks to give long ago, and I get more verbal about it as I get older. I try to be kind: if the grocery clerk says nicely to have a blessed day, I just say thanks. But if someone is pushy, gets in my face, preaches at me, tells me I’m hell-bound...all bets are off.
Family is more complicated. I mostly will walk away from them if the bullshit gets too deep. They know I don’t believe. No need to fight with them, I love them and spend very little time with them. I’m content to only say: ‘what about that?’ And move across the room, in the few hours I have, if I must say anything.
You need a holiday out of the US. Mix with the sane of the world more. LOL Sound like you're out of an episode of A Handmaidens tale.
@Savage you’re so right. I’ve not traveled since the UK in 2015. I’d love to go back to Italy and Greece, then see more of the UK.