I know a lot of people like the taste of coffee but can't do the caffeine...I think it does taste different. I drink coffee for the caffeine and the taste...hey, still can relate to all coffee lovers...it is a nice way to share a drink and conversation
Death before decaf
Why is that?
I don't drink alcohol at all, but if I enjoyed the taste of beer it would make sense to choose non alcoholic beer, no?
I'm also very reactive to caffeine. I do love the taste of good coffee, so decaf is my only option if I want to enjoy it.
I'm curious to know why people are so offended by decaf. How does it affect you?
@Athena It doesn't offend me. I just think they both taste terrible but then I am a beef and coffee snob.
I haven't tried it but Brewdog have now produced a version of their flagship Punk IPA with 0.5% alcohol.and it got good reviews They have built a brewery in Ohio recently so you may get it in your area. The fact that I am an Equity Punk (I have shres in the company) means that I am totally impartial of course