Who else has high blood pressure? How do you control it?
Been on meds for hypertension for several years now.
Just got back from the doc's and my bp was 128/80.
The meds are doing their job, and I was told that my attitude is also helpful.
I try to avoid stress as much as possible. If it's not my problem, I'm not going
to worry about it. If it IS my problem, I work to find a solution.
Sress will kill you, if you let it.
Find your Zen.
@Redcupcoffee Stress was killing me. I had to change my attitude about a lot of things. One of the biggest was always trying to please people. As soon as I adopted my "fuck 'em all" attitude, things started getting better. Do what your doc tells you, and try not to let the assholes get to you. Good luck!
Mine can be in the lower-high range, or it can skyrocket into something that panics nurses. Stress is usually the culprit. I try to eat decently and not overindulge in drinking. I'm not dead yet.
Diet is a big factor for me. I avoid excessive salt and fried foods, and drink lots of water. I also make it a point to be as zen as possible throughout the day.
Dear pretty young lady, it is all about what and when you eat. Go to your library and check out or request three DVDs: Cow-spiracy, Earthlings, and Forks over Knives. You must educate yourself in this matter because the government does not want you to know.
Lisinopril HCTZ, which I just refilled today. Exercise helps, losing weight would help. All are on my to do list.
Lisinopril is working for me, too. I had to have them take the water pill part of it out though. It gave me a terrible cough. Once it was removed, so was the cough.
@KKGator I had the cough for about a year, and it finally went away. It was most annoying. I've been on Lisinopril for about 10 years.
@HippieChick58 Oddly, I didn't understand that the cough was from the HCTZ, until I went with a friend when she went to her cardiologist. She was having the same problem and her doc said it was the HCTZ. I was so relieved to find out it wasn't something else.
@KKGator I think I had googled it after I started Lisinopril and knew the cough was a possibility. And then I had it for a while. I'm so glad it is gone.
@noworry28 I love water, I used to drink over a gallon a day. I still might, I just don't keep track of it now.
I simply take my meds and eat and drink what I want to. That's it. I don't let high BP worry me. In 1980 I was told my BP was 140 over 80 and that it was the BP of a teenager. Today they sell more meds by bringing that number down. At home my machine reads me more like 128 over 80 today, but my recent doctor visit had the nurse reading me at 110 over 70. They just love that. I take 30m of lisinopril and eat and drink what I want to. No worries.
I hope to eliminate my Propanolol if I improve lifestyle factors enough. I'm also on Lisinopril HCTZ. Those ACE inhibitors that cross the blood-brain barrier (Lisinopril and Captopril are two common ones), not all do, have been shown to reduce the incidence of Alzheimers. And HCTZ is one of the few BP meds actually shown to decrease mortality and/or cardiac events. That cannot be said of many BP medications despite their lowering of BP.
Be aware that no 2 people get the same results, taking BP is very touchy-feely.
Be sure if you have larger upper arms, that they are using the Larger cuff on you.
Avoid coffee before your appointment!
SIT quietly for at least 5 minutes before BP is taken
If overweight, losing just 10% can make a huge difference!
Lowering salt intake is key
I have 18 inch arms and they need to use another cuff on me. They pump me up and I feel like I'm gonna explode.
I do not have high blood pressure,
I did a lot of meditation when I was very much younger, I am also a free diver, so got to the point of being able to stay under water for 2 minutes and a bit. I can raise and lower heart beat, body temperature and blood pressure at will. So I really recommend meditation. I am overweight and have had a high stress lifestyle in the past, suffered anxiety, yet never issues re blood pressure. All of my siblings as well as both parents have high blood pressure.
Medication and a rather relaxed lifestyle .I,ve already had the stroke .
I do. Diet, exercise (mental and physical) and medication.
Had high blood pressure and put on meds about 7 years ago. Then it plummeted after cancer and a blood clot in my lungs. After cardiac rehab program treated with meds for low blood pressure. Just as dangerous as high.
Avoiding processed food, red meat, most meat, eating plenty of fresh organic produce, getting outdoor exercise daily. Eating two meals a day only.
I'm guessing CBD oil will also fix it since it relaxes people, raises their mood.
I wish everybody would take some time and the responsibility to educate themselves. Go to your library and check out or request three DVDs: Cow-spiracy, Earthlings, and Forks over Knives. You must educate yourself in this matter because the government does not want you to know.