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Any Trump supporters on here? Full disclosure, I am not one. I am an anti-Trumper and anti-Trumplican/Trumpanzee as well. Basically, anything to do with Trump makes me sick more often than not. I was just wondering if any non-Christians are Trump supporters. I don't see how one could be but in this day and age, it wouldn't surprise me. What say you?

MrNevermore 4 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Trump is the greatest president in history, if you can't see that, I recommend some Visine, you clearly have something blocking your perception.

gater Level 7 Feb 21, 2020

I knew a narrow minded world view was inherent in left wing politics. After all a raving mad hypocritcal communist is your front runner. Answer me why left wing feminists continue to support Linda ( cockroach) Sasour. ? I thought you hated anti-Semitism.


I'm not, but like Whack A Mole, when one of them sticks their little head up and "BAM"!, they are gone. It is a fun game.


4 more years!

gater Level 7 July 20, 2019

Nothing more certain.


TDS is unfortunately not treatable. You are infected for life.. Must be a real burden on you. So are you able to defend your anti Trump bias with an argument that's sound in logic. Factual & thought out not just adhomineym attacks. With no bases in truth. Best brace yourself for another 5 yrs .. We aren't sick of winning yet.

Would you understand what I am saying if I approach you on that level and will you accept the truth or will you just get mad and start the playground hate speech like the rest? I find it hard to have an intellectual, factual conversation with Trumpanzee's because most if not all of you refuse to accept the facts and appear to be brainwashed beyond any hope. Actually, I went back and read your comment again and I can see that you are one of the very people aforementioned. I will say this. The Red States have the highest illiteracy rate, highest school drop out rate, the highest unemployment rate, they are the biggest users of government assistance and geographically the biggest racist states in the country. How is that winning? The reason why the economy is doing well and the unemployment rate is at an all-time low is because it started getting better under Obama and Trump inherited a growing economy. Here are some facts from a reputable and non-partisan fact-checking source. It goes against everything you've been told by Trump and the Reichwingnut media and you will deny it because that's what you Trumpanzee's do. At any rate, read this and see if you are as openminded and not in denial or brainwashed as I think you people are. []

In yet in Obama's own words . He commented that Trump's prediction of economic prosperity would require " a magic wand " . Your not the first to put forward the argument that economic boyance was started by Obama. So was wire tapping & obvious obuse of power.
" Trumpanzees" thats a good one. 😆 The States is a country that will always have the elitist wealthy . Theorising about liberal progressive policies that ideally are forced on those who live the reality of poverty. Not just virtue signal. Because what they push never affects them.
Currently you can point out inequalities that effect the many . But until Democrats stop pushing identity politics . Deviding the country along ethnic tribal lines . Stop decrimalising public defecation, drug use , theft , shoplifting. Putting illegals rights ahead of actual citizens. Halting bail for repeat criminals. Because Racism.. Forcing police to stand down when confronted with violence affecting their ideological opposites. If law enforcement are allowed to become as impotent as Canada or the UK . Like all this anti ICE & even boarder & customs rhetoric. There will be no recovery. It Sings out to criminal organisations that the green lights on .
Trump has another term to make some long term improvements. Tangible actual changes for the better. Because once he's out of office. If radical progressive Socialists take the reigns. The billionaire's that currently exist will be depleted of their fortunes quicker than Hillary can accuse her own party members as Russian assets.


Jesus can screw Christ for what I care. That being said, yes it is possible to support 45 without any religion in any way, shape or form. Now, what was your question again?

I'm an atheist , have been for decade's. But the leftist trick of making themselves feel superior by belittling those that choose faith . Is not only cowardly & baseless . But shows the depths they are prepared to plunge , in order to pretend they are in some way smarter or more enlightened. Total bolonge. Some religions that remain unnamed ( threats of violence are hazardous to one's health) Have extremely high opinions of themselves. In yet are still barbaric & sexist in nature. But the left never call out the most conservative religion created by man ever... Strange.


The Conservative Atheist Group is where you will find these troubled folks. Now that Spiketalon no longer moderates the group they are promoting murder & shooting of those not agreeing with them. How this is conservative I do not know. More like a refuge for those that can not reason, but only react. Don't waste you time as they have no ability to evaluate or evolve. They will be very mean to you and try to ruin your day.

I have been dealing with them on that level you mentioned so I am aware and prepared for their hatred and ridicule. It carries no weight with me though because the majority of them if not all are not too bright. Their words have no credibility or merit with me which is, in part, why I don't care to discuss anything with them anyway. They sound like they are all fed the same reel as far as what to think, feel, and believe. None of them thus far have had a thought of their own from what I've seen and heard.

"Promoting murder & shooting. . " Were on earth did you scrape up that narrative. ? Last I heard it's the far left ( who hate liberals by the way ) Attacking Gay reporters . Attempting to incinerate a building full of migrants . As well as waging war on speech . Indoctrinating college students into believing Marxist anti freedom ideology that's caustic. Imagining multiple genders . ...& on & on . Destructive ultra PC agenda driven leftists are what's wrong with society.. Trump's the cure

@MrNevermore Ha ha . That's hilarious. Your opinions are totally mirrored by the impression we have of you. . Believe me the irony is not lost.

Show me some proof of threats of violence made against you. That's a pretty big accusation . The smug self adoring attitude makes you seem so childish & elitist. In yet there appears to be no actual factual rebuttal. Just snyde pompous comments . Fairly typical unfortunately .


I support him. His achievements are unquestionable. He is far from perfect, however orders of magnitude above the competition.

zesty Level 7 July 19, 2019

No President has ever been perfect. But the lies & effort gone into constructing the narrative that orange man bad . Really could be better spent aiding constituents. Never did anyone foresee the loss of killary in 2016 . Would realease an avalanche of attempts to besmirch the democratically elected leader.
There are people that still cling to Russia gate. Obama's children in cages blamed on Trump. Even to the gutter level defense of a mass murdering terrorist.
The left will continue to paint false narratives until 2024. At least we produce better memes.


I voted for Gary Johnson, but Trump has done a much better job as President than I expected him too. I plan to vote for Trump in 2020. If you look at the numbers:

Stock market hitting all-time highs.
Unemployment lower than it has been since the 1960's.
He's negotiating better trade deals with our trading partners around the world.

He is doing great. If he could just keep his urge to tweet under control, his approval numbers would be very high right now.

BD66 Level 8 July 19, 2019

I supported Gary Johnson until he dropped the ball. The unemployment rate is low because folks are working 2 or more jobs to make what they did prior to the 2008 real estate crash which took out momentum for wage prosperity. The stock market does not help those who are not in it.Trade negotiations are approached by him by making a problem, then pretending to fix it & ending up where he started. He is by far an aberrant occurrence as 4.5 million voters did not show up in 2016. He is a nightmare & the worst since Herbert Hoover who fired on our veterans for petitioning our government for help. He has given monsters validity. You must not have a"PUSSY".

Seriously, the worst thing he could do is stop tweeting .. He's using social media to enrage those he intends to anger . Meanwhile playing leftist media like a fiddle . His attack on the " squad " was thought out and timed to perfection. 4 narcissistic Congress woman , who claim to be an ally to the oppresed. Hardly battered an eye as they scrambled to defend the indefensible. While he sidelines new asylum laws.. He's 3 steps ahead of his haters ..

@Mooolah How can working two or more jobs have any effect in the unemployment rate. That comments straight out of AOCs book of gaffs. Someone could work nine jobs . It still is that one person working . Reduced unemployment requires many many people working . That were not previously. Not just one busting the hump. Unemployment is not figured by the jobs one person has . It's multitudes.
I suppose your going to claim there's still a wage gap. ? 🥴🙄


You'll find them huddled in the Conservative Atheists Group. This is their echo chamber.

t1nick Level 8 July 19, 2019

I'd hate to see the state of you poor old pinata. .Bashed beyond recognition. Meanwhile the rights talent for memes desicrate's any credibility the left have .Leaving you scrambling to salvage some sort of policies that are economically viable. . GND anyone?. 🙂

@Seriousreason ???????

Ohhhh . Correction we live in caves . The echo chamber resounds nicely off the stone walls.. what a burn ..


Felt on election day in 2016 that I agreed with 30% of his agenda and 70% of HRC’s… Still do.. Will vote against him at the first opportunity, though ~

Varn Level 8 July 19, 2019

I figured there were although at the current time I can't for the life of me understand why someone would support anything that any of them are doing or proposing to do. I'm not going to go into detail regarding my disdain for Trump but I will say this, just for the record, I have been reading about Trump since 88 or so and my dislike for Trump started back then. It had nothing to do with Hillary. All of the POTUS wannabe's last election sucked. Trump was the worst choice but here we are. Anyway, the reason I asked was because I am trying to avoid those useless and aggravating conversations. If you talk to one you've talked to all of them. I'm tired of talking to them.

@Ms_McSteven many individual cons won't block me I've discovered, no matter how trumpite assholian I become to THEM, however, their site is quick to fully block any dissenters to their furhers views.

@Veteran229 not to fear - I keep my humour at the truvium and quadrivium level. My atracks as well.

Your silence is appreciated.


I believe so... Look for the Racist White Trash group.


There are a few. They even have their own little safe space called Conservative Athiests, where if you happen to voice a dissenting viewpoint you get banned.

It seems as though they’ve been circling the wagons lately, what with Trump doing or saying something stupid on quite literally a daily basis. Haven’t heard much from them on the rest of the board

I'll try to post more frequently in the general forum. Sorry for my negligence. ☝️😎

@TheInterlooper I agree...most in that group have been fair and respectful...I like seeing different views if only to further bolster my own 🙂

Why bother . The comments put forward by leftists . Dripping in self delusional , naive certainty . Certainly drives home the irrational disdain for anyone who may have differing opinions. Civil discourse is dying . You leftist Trump haters killed it.

@bigpawbullets Sounds like a reluctant invite from the orange man bad fringe my friend. Nice to say hi . Give my regards . Afterall look at the nice people to indulge in some civil discourse with . They comment disparagingly about conservative corner being a safe space . That coming from the ideology the created safe spaces . Democrats christend safe spaces on inauguration day. With their cocao & emotional support dogs.
My leftist tears mug is nearly evaporated. Roll on November.


Yep. We're alive and well. ☝️😎

You say that like you’re proud of it🙄. Shame, shame.

No ma'am. Neither proud nor ashamed. To quote the great philosopher Pop-Eye; "I yam whats I yam."

@CarolinaGirl60 Shame he's only got four more year's.


Not Me! I've never found anything remotely humane and intelligent in that man!!!

I'm sure he feels the same.

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